#53 tea

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Sauke pov
Naruto grew increasingly excited as gaara and Lee started explaining the whole sharade of how they got together.

I found it funny how much the romance of the group amused and interested him.

He had his legs crossed and was leaning forward to basically stare into gaaras soul where as gaara was leaning backwards nervously.

I laughed under my breath and gaara started talking "so basically what this dummy did was-"

"Wait wait let me say it!" Lee said enthusiastically.

Gaara sighed and nodded for him to continue "so gaara basically lives at my house most of the time so when he had to go home we were facetiming right? So whatever, we had already hung up i was bothered though and I missed him. plus I had planned on asking him out the next day-"

"Of course he couldn't wait though-hey I want to say it!" Lee interrupted through a pout.

"Hey I wanna talk to bowl cut" gaara squished lees face with his hands and an amused smile on his face.

'They're like...perfect together it's actually kind of adorable' I thought and then gaara continued on talking.

"Anyway he apparently couldn't wait for the next day because at like four in the morning he was throwing rocks at my window instead of just calling me. Of course I opened it to see what the hell was happening and I ended up hitting me in the forehead"

"Heyy I said sorry!!!"

"Trust me I know you did. So yeah Lee apologized repeatedly untill I asked him what the actual fuck he was doing at my house"

"Can I say the rest?" Lee asked and gaara nodded.

"I told him I was bored but I was actually too excited to wait another....four? Yeah four hours to ask him out. he said yes, but then it started raining like randomly so gaara told me to meet him on his porch. I did and he dragged me inside before I could get to soaked"

Gaara nodded "long story short he ended up sleeping over and the next day I went back to his house and his dad was thrilled" his face was still a bit red and Lee nodded happily.

"I am not at all surprised that Lee ended up hitting you in the head" I chuckled out.

naruto had stars in his eyes and a large grin in his face "Thats cuteeeee! Well except for the getting hit by a rock but good for you guysssss!" He said happily "I hope you know I'm going to use the getting hit by a rock against you both constantly though!"

Gaara sighed "yeah I figured you would" he grumbled and naruto leaned forward to mess up their hair "I have to say it took you guys long enough!"

'Oh jeez he's a little to excited' I thought sweat dropping.

"It did not! I beleive i would have had a heart attack if I asked any sooner!" Lee exclaimed and gaara chuckled.

"Well it'definitely something to remember, I still have the bruise" gaara laughed and moved his hair to reveal a black and blue with a cut scabbed over on his forehead.

Lees eyes flashed with guilt and he pulled gaara into a hug "gaara I am so sorry! Does it still hurt? I'll get ice or something for it"

Gaara let out a choked laugh and patted his back "it's ok...but I can't breathe"

"Ah sorry!" Lee let go of him.

Narutos happy grin only grew and he had a glint in his eyes so I pulled him away from them "calmmmm down" I stroked his hair and he grumbled.

"But I can tease them so much now! Just think about it! They get a kick out of embarrassing us so payback!" He smirked and focused his gaze on shikamaru and neji "and they're next"

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