
"Look, you always wanted to be an actor, right?" She asked, as Finn nodded. "So here's your chance to play the role of best supportive man." She finished.

Finn frowned as Lexi walked over to the chairs in the back of the choir room, where the New Directions usually sat.

"What are you doing?"

"Releasing all my anger. I have rage too." Lexi shrugged, before she kicked a chair." Ah!" She yelled, as she began to kick the chairs over. She stopped for a brief moment, turning to Finn.

"Come on, man! Kick the chairs." She called, as Finn joined her, both of them kicking the chairs in the choir room together.

Anyone who didn't know Finn, would ask. "What the hell is this guy doing?"
"Glee Club." Mr. Schue smiled as he stood in front of the New Directions, back from his sabbatical.

"Mr. Shue, how was DC?" Tina asked.

"DC was great, but now I'm back to stay." Their teacher answered. "And so for my first order of business, I want to give a huge shoutout of the guy who made sure I had something to come back to, Mr. Finn Hudson!"

Everyone clapped and cheered, as Lexi nudged Finn, who snapped out of his trance, sending Mr. Schue a smile.

"Now, for this week's assignment..." Mr. Schue began.

"I hope it's Britney again!" Brittany interrupted.

Mr. Schue shook his head, while he wrote on the whiteboard. "Miss Pillsbury and I are getting married! Which makes me the happiest, luckiest man alive. Now, Emma has been handling the wedding prep, so to help out, I thought I'd take charge of the entertainment for the reception. And though this goes against tradition, it would mean the world to me and Emma if instead of giving your best man speech, Finn, you sing for us, what do you say?"

"Yeah, uh-yeah-of course!" Finn answered, after Lexi kicked his chair.

"Seriously dude, keep on the act." She whispered, as he nodded with a sigh.

"Perfect! For anyone else who isn't out with Asian Bird Flu..."

"It wasn't me." Tina shook her head.

"It's Valentine's Day, which means we need some great, romantic love songs at the reception."

"Wait. You want us to be your wedding singers?" Tina asked. "That's so..."

Lexi covered Tina's  mouth, causing Sam to chuckle.

"What she means to say, is that we'd all be honored to perform at your wedding, Mr. Schue." Lexi clarified, as everyone nodded in agreement.

Lexi stood in her bedroom, as she finished getting ready for the wedding. Hearing a knock at her bedroom  door, she walked over to the door, and opened it, revealing Sam.

"Hey, Happy Valentine's Day." Lexi smiled.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too." Sam smiled in return, kissing her cheek, causing her to blush.

"I'm about ready to go." She said, as he nodded.

"I actually have something for you. Something I believe would accompany your dress perfectly." Sam said, as he handed her a wrapped box. She took the box, and slowly unwrapped it, before opening the lid to find a gorgeous necklace.

"Sam, it's beautiful." Lexi gasped, as she ran her fingers along it.

"Just like you." Sam complimented, as she blushed.

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