☁️Little Kitten (Kokichi x Kitten! Shuichi)☁️

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~A/N~ Hello! Let me just say one thing before this chapter starts. Shuichi is NOT a neko, he is a normal cat, but Kokichi can understand what he is thinking/ would have wanted to say because they have a good bond. Just imagine Shuichi as a normal cat, but navy blue and gold eyes. That's all for this A/N, enjoy the chapter!


It was always lonely when I came back home from work. I stepped through my front door, greeted by the empty, cold living room. I sighed as I put my bag down and flopped onto the black couch. I grabbed the remote and turned on the large TV in front of the couch. I got up and walked into the kitchen, where you could see the living room from. There wasn't a wall blocking the view into it.

I started making some 2-minute noodles and I watched the adds play on the TV. I heard and add that had caught my attention, it was an add for a pet shop down the road. 'That doesn't seem like a bad idea, maybe I should go have a look in the morning.' I thought to myself as I finished making the noodles and walked back over to the couch.

**//Timeskip to morning bought to you by my love for Steven universe-//**

It was now early in the morning, well, at least for me. Is was 8:30 am. I walked down the street towards the pet store, but a question still remained in my thoughts. 'What do I get? A dog? Cat? Bird? Nah, not a bird, or a hamster, Gundham's gonna steal it.' I thought to myself. I stopped my thoughts as I arrived at the door of the pet store.

I walked into the large, greeted by a welcoming sight of sky blue walls and wooden floor. There were selves full of pet food, toys, and all other kinds of stuff. The only thing about this store they was disturbing would be the employee. He looked super weird, he grinning at the wall as if it asked him to fucking marry him.

'Not the weirdest thing i've seen, Nagito's sacrifices of bagel to the Hope god was definitely the weirdest', I thought as I walked over to the guy. "Um, hello?" I said, but they continued to stare at the wall. I looked at the guy unamused. I decided to snap him out of it but not in the normal way,  bold of you to assume I would!

I went onto my phone and started blasting the monsters inc. earrape right into his ear. He fell over, startled at the sudden earrape. "Ouch!" He yelled as he stood back up. "Oh, great, you're sane now." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, what do you want." The man growled, angry about what just happened.

"Well, I saw an add about pets, and I wanted to buy one? Why else would I come to a place that sold pets? To buy, I dunno, a table?" I huffed. "Right, I guess. What do you want? Cat? Dog? Bird? Hampster? Sna-" the asked, beginning to list the animals. I had cut him off thought, I don't want to be near him any more than I have to. (( Totally not me- ))

"Cat. I want a cat." I said. "We have three cats left. A hazelnut brown cat, a chocolate brown cat, and somehow a navy blue cat." The man said, moving over to the back door. I guess they keep the animals there? This store is weird, usually a breeder would sell the animals, not stores like this. Well, I'm not sure if they do anyway.

"Uhhhh, the navy blue cat." I shrugged. He walked into the back room without a word, I still felt like I could feel his glare on me, even if he was in a different room. That's weird. He came back out, carelessly holding and small, navy blue cat. He dropped the cat onto the counter. I looked at the man with a shocked and mad expression. YOU DO NOT DO THAT TO ANIMALS!

I quickly payed for the poor cat and some things to take care of him, I can't stand that man in there! I may be an evil supreme leader, but that was horrible, even for me! I reached home and sat on the couch with the cat, he looked up at me, he looked scared. It's understandable though since the way that guys treated him, I wouldn't put it past the guy to have done it before.

"Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you." I said to the kitten as I gave it gentle scratches behind the ears. He stiffened at first, then slowly warmed up to me, nuzzling his furry face into my hand as I pet him. 'I thought it would have been harder to earn his trust. Space dork said his cat scratched the hell out of him when he first got her, his fault for trying to hug her out of nowhere.' I thought as the little kitten curled up on my lap, softly purring.

"Hmmm, what should I call you?" I thought out loud. The kitten let out a small meow as he perked his head up and licked my cheek. I stocked the cat's little head as he purred, falling asleep. "I think I'll name you 'Shuichi'" I said as the cat closed it's tired eyes.

**//3RD PERSON POV//**

((Wow, I haven't done one of these in a while, I hope I improved since the last chapter I did with this POV))

Months had passed for the boy and the cat. They had grown closer to each over, almost inseparable, only Kokichi's job getting in the way of a few hours of the day. Kokichi unlocked the front door of his small home, this time, he was greeted by the excited meows of his best friend, Shuichi.

"Hello, Shumai!" Kokichi smiled as he picked up the cat, who started to lick the small boy's face. The little gremlin giggled at the kitten's excitement, closing the door behind him and walking into the living room. He stopped in his tracks as he looked over to the bookshelf, which had books pulled out and scattered across the floor. 

Kokichi looked at Shuichi, how had his ears plopped down, worried he would be yelled at. This wasn't the first time it's happened, the short boy would often come home to find his beloved kitten sitting in front of and open book, looking as if he was trying to understand the display of words on the pages.

Kokichi sighed as he started to place the books back in their spots on the shelf, but left one book out. Shuichi's favorite book, 'The Mystery of Hopes Peak' by Toko Fukawa. He often found the blue cat looking at that book, looking at it as if it was a lottery ticket. He picked up the book and walked to the couch with the cat already sitting there.

Kokichi sat down next to Shuichi, the kitten snuggled up next to him as the little learder started to ready the book to the cat. Some would say that Kokichi was crazy, since he would read to the cat, but Kokichi and Shuichi had something special. They fully understood each other, as if they knew each other since birth.


I snuggled up to Kokichi as he ready for me. I was really lucky to have a human like him, if only I could talk so I could tell him how much I loved him. A few hours went by and Kokichi seemed really tired, he was trying to keep his eyes open and keep reading. 

"Maybe you should lay d-down and rest?" I suggested to him, but of course he doesn't know what I'm trying to say, humans only hear an animals voice as an odd sound. I think he hears mine as meow? Or was it woof? It doesn't really matter.

Kokichi had fallen asleep on the couch, again. This was the second time this week, it's only Monday. He had fallen asleep on the couch 30 minutes before he had to go to work this morning, and now he had fallen asleep again. I sighed an got off the couch and into his bedroom. I jumped onto his bed and started pulling off one of his favourite blankets, it took a while though because of my small paws and teeth.

I finally managed to drag his heavy blanket off the bed and into the living room. I flung the blanket onto Kokichi, then jumped up next to him. He looked so peaceful! I curled up next to him onto the couch and nuzzled my head into his chest. I smiled to myself as I drifted off to sleep, I'm so lucky to have a friend like him.

~A/N~ Hi! I'm so sorry for not updating! I had time today to finish it off since I'm home sick. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and again, I'm sorry for the slow updates.

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