Extra terrestrial (Alien!Kokichi x Shuichi)

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~A/N~ Hi! Just some background information for this chapter! Kaito was chosen to go to a space station with 3 friends of his choice so he bought Shuichi, Kaede, and Maki. Kokichi is the prince of the Aliens on the moon, his home, the aliens from the moon are called 'Eclipsians' and they speak in what sounds like a dolphins but slowed down. For you that can't think of the sound just think of this:

The drawing above that I made is basically the height comparison and the looks of Kokichi for my AU, Enjoy!


Kaito, Maki, Kaede and I were just about to doc at the space station, space was beautiful, no wonder Kaito always talks about it! "Alright sidekicks! I'm nearly done docking the shuttle! They really did put it close to the moon, didn't they?" Kaito cheered as he steered the ship closer to the station.

I could see something from the corner of my eye out the window, but it gone as soon as I looked over. 'It's probably nothing, Shuichi. Your eyes are just messing with you.' I thought to myself, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. The shuttle rattled as we got close to the docking bay, was this supposed to happen?

"U-uhh, you guys might not like this, but, I think there might be something wrong with the ship." Kaito said, checking all the buttons and switches he could see. "M-momota, p-please tell me y-your joking." Kaede stuttered. "This is ground control to Shatoru (the name of the space shuttle) , we've sensed that you're low on fuel. We're afraid you may not be able to make it home..."

Everyone started panicking, 'this wasn't supposed to happen! What's going on!' The thoughts came crashing through my mind all at once. I looked around me to see my friends crying, hyperventilating, or trying to keep calm and help the others. "L-let's just head onto the st-station, m-maybe there might be f-fuel?" I suggested.

"Good idea, Saihara. Let's go" Maki sighed, I could tell under her calm expression was terror, just like the me and the others. We started exiting the shuttle that was now hooked onto the station, I saw the thing out of the corner on my eye. What was it? Was it some kind of machine belonging to the station? I ignored it and continued through the station.

**//Timeskip bought to you by Egg dog//**

We were in the main bridge of the space station, the stations AI, Kiibo, started beeping, letting us know there was a problem. Kaede walked over to Kiibo and pushed the blinking button on it's chest, "what's the problem Kiibo?" Kaede asked the robot. "There has been motion detected in hallway 4! Not by a droid, by a unknown life form!" Kiibo yelled, making sure we all heard.

My face paled at the news, an alien was aboard the station, and was heading our way! "Quick! Shut the doors! Don't let it in!" Kaito shouted to us,Alfred hurrying to the button to close the emergency door. "Hallway 1!" Kiibo shouted...




...that was just down the other end of the hall. Kaito hit the button and the door slowly started closing, the red emergency light flashing down the dark hallway. I could notice something peeking through the hallway. I started screaming and pointed at it, backing up against the wall of the main bridge.

The door shut just as it reached the end of the hall. "Phew! Just in time!" Kaede sighed in relief, along with the others. My face was still pale and staring at the bottom of the door. "Shuichi, what's wrong?" Maki said, looking over at me. I slowly pointed to the bottom of the door.

✨🍇Saiouma Oneshots🔍✨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora