☁️(Trans!Shuichi x Kokichi)☁️

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~A/N~ I couldn't think of a name :D Enjoy reading words strung together to create a story you will probably forget you had read two days later!


"Goodbye Kaito and Maki, I'll see you tomorrow!" I said as I waved goodbye to my friends. It was just after training. I could feel my binder crushing my ribs, it was super uncomfortable. 'The quicker I get back to the dorm, the sooner I can take it off' was all I thought as I quickened my pace. 

I arrived at my dorm and swung the door open, then closing it. I flopped onto the bed, exhausted from training. I took off my jacket and the my shirt, revealing a black binder. I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed. 'See mother, father, I can be what I want, and you can't stop me.' I thought to myself.

I heard the door creak open and someone pop their face in, "hey, Shuichi. You left your door unlocked, you should be more-" Ryoma started, then paused noticing the binder. "-careful. Uhhh, sorry kid." He said, pulling his beanie over his eyes. I felt my face pale at the sight of him, I remembered the words my parents had told me.

"P-p-please d-don't tell a-anyone, Ryoma." I stuttered. "I wasn't going to, I'll pretend I never say anything." He replied. "T-thank you." I sighed in relief, I should have been WAY more careful. "Sorry for intruding, I just noticed you left your door unlocked and I wanted to warn you in case you-know-what might happen, 'night kid." He said as he left, closing the door behind him.

I listened as he walked away, "oh Atua that was embarrassing." I mumbled to myself while changing into my pyjamas. I walked over to the door and made sure that I had locked it, I can't have that happening again. But what I didn't know was somebody, or should I say something was listening.

**//Timeskip to the morning bought to you by my fucking sugar rush-//**

**//RYOMA'S POV//**

((BeT yOu DiDn'T sEe ThAt OnE cOmInG!))

I walked down the hallway, I could hear somebody near me, but I didn't know who. I stopped and took a quick look-around, nobody. I shrugged it off as Kokichi trying to mess with me. I heard somebody running at me from behind, I started turning around to see who but as soon as I did, I lost consciousness.

I woke up in a dark room, tied to a chair. The side of my head stung and I could feel something dripping down the side. 'Is this how I die?' I questioned myself. I heard shuffling close to me, "who's there?" I ask, trying to make out anything in the darkness. A light above a small desk light up, brightening the room more.

"Puhuhuhu~ hello Ryoma! Funny seeing you here!" Monokuma giggled, leaning forward in his chair, at the opposite side of the table. "What do you want from me? It's not like I have something even remotely valuable." I said, looking the robot in the eyes.

"That's not exactly true, what happened last night between you and Shuichi hmmm?" Monokuma said, now lazily leaning back. 'How does he even know I talked to him? Was he watching?' I thought. "Nothing happened, and if it did, why would it matter?" I said. I started trying to fiddle with the handcuffs around my wrists, 'just like my old prison's handcuffs, I guess somethings never change.'

"Oh? You won't tell little old me?" Monokuma whined, putting his paw to his face. "No." Was all I said, he was starting to annoy me. "Well, I guess I'm going to have to kill you, or you could just tell me." He said as his face darkened and his smile became more dangerous. "Then go on, I have nothing here or outside worth fighting for." I said, he'd have to try harder then that to make me tell.

"Is that so? Puhuhu~ I have a fun idea, what if your little friends take your place! I'm sure they'd understand you wanting to keep a little secret from me~" Monokuma cackled, he had completely lost it, although I wouldn't doubt that he never had sanity. "That won't be happening, you can't do this!" I raised my voice. "Then what will it be? The secret, or your friends?" He said, now getting in my personal space.

"Fine...I'll tell you, but only if you promise you won't tell anybody." I muttered. "I promise! Now get yapping, I have business to attend to!" Monokuma smirked, sitting back down in the chair. I could tell he wouldn't keep the promise. 'I'm sorry...Saihara.'


Everyone was in the dinning hall, I was sitting on Shumai's lap. Saihara and I have been dating for the past week and have been almost inseparable. I had already finished my breakfast, so I just sat there and poked ShuShu's cheeks as he did.

We all turned our heads to the monitor as it turned on, revealing Monokuma's ugly face. " 'ello roaches! Report to the gym for a motive! Right now, like, get your a$$ out of your seat riSight now and get to the gym." Monokuma screeched, the monitor turning off after.

Everyone started complaining but getting up anyway. "Hey Shu~chan?" I said, looking at my boyfriend. "Yes?" Was all he said, looking back at me. "Carry me!" I smiled innocently, making grabby-hands at him. He sighed and smiled back, he bent down and I jumped onto him, making him give me a piggyback.

Once we arrived, he put me down, he can't carry me for that long. "Now that everyone's here, time for the motive!" Monokuma yelled. "Whatever you've got, it won't make us kill!" Kaede yelled, everyone nodded in agreement with her words. "Well, maybe I was able to get my hands on someone's little secret~" he said, ginning an evil smile.

"Well, Shaihara, have something to share?" Monokuma asked, staring Shuichi in the eyes. Everyone turned their attention to him, I could see Shuichi nervously sweating and fidgeting with his fingers. "He doesn't have to tell us anything!" I shouted at the bear, no way in hell was I going to let him do this to Shumai.

"Well, I guess I'll say it then. Shuichi Saihara, the ultimate detective, is transgender!" Monokuma shouted, spinning around on his stool. Everyone stared at him in shock, even me. I could see Shuichi was tearing up. "W-what?" Kaito said, breaking the silence. Saihara sprinted out the door, sobbing. "Shuichi! Wait!" I called, running out after him.

I managed to slip into his room as he was closing the door, he was a little bit too slow at closing the door. "S-saihara..." I started, out of breath. He was curled up on his bed, crying. "Saihara~chan? It's okay, please calm down." I said slowly walking over to the bed and sitting next to him. "N-no I-it's not!" He yelled in between sobs.

I was trying to remember what my stepbrother, Nagito, had told me about calming people down. Maybe talking about why he's upset would help, sure it was because of what Monokuma had revealed, but maybe something had happened that is making it worse. "Would it help to talk, you can tell me anything." I said, running my hand through his hair.

We sat there for what felt like a year, what Shuichi had told me was quite shocking. Apparently, his parents were transphobic. The time he came out to them, they shouted insults and would hit him, they eventually sent him to live with his uncle. I had put Shuichi's head on my laps and was playing with his hair as he talk, he had calmed down a lot since this morning and now his sobs had turned into sniffles.

"Do you want to go get some lunch? I can ask mom to make you some tea and cookies." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "W-what if they hate m-me?" Shuichi stuttered. "They would never, there is nothing to hate about you. Plus, if they did, I'd call my evil organisation on them!" I smiled proudly at the last part. "I-i...guess you're right." Shuichi said, getting up.

We walked into the dinning hall where everyone was seated. A few looked at us as we entered, but then went back to eating as if this morning didn't happen. We took our seats next to Kaito, Maki and Kaede. "Heya sidekick! I saved your spot for you!" Kaito yelled happily to Shuichi. "Y-your not disappointed?" Shuichi stuttered. "I see no reason to be disappointed! Boy, girl, it doesn't matter!" Kaito cheered, Maki and Kaede nodded in agreement.

"See? I told you everything will be okay!" I smiled, kissing Shuichi's cheek quickly bofore sitting down next to him. Everything had continued as normal. I felt Shuichi lean his head onto my shoulder, sighing as he did. I smiled resting my head on top of his, if only this moment could last forever.

~A/N~ Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It would've come out a bit sooner if I had any idea what I was doing with this lol. Anyway, onto bigger news! I'll show you in the A/N ahead, but thanks for reading! Bye!

✨🍇Saiouma Oneshots🔍✨Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang