I'm not jealous! (Jealous!Shuichi x Kokichi)

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~A/N~ Hello! Before you start, let me clear something up. This is a non-despair AU, but they are still ultimates in hopes peak. This will also be a very short chapter and probably not my best shot at it because I have NO idea how to write these things! I even need help from websites to write this ;-; Now that that's out of the way, try to enjoy!


I've known Ouma~kun since we were young, since kindergarten to be exact. We've been through everything together, we always have. It was lunch break at school, I wanted to meet Ouma~kun on top of the roof. "Ouma~kun I'm here!" I called as I pushed open a door to the roof. I quieted down, realising somebody there with him. Rantaro Amami, the ultimate Adventurer. 

I hid behind the door peaking out at them. They were really close. Too close. I could see they were talking, but what was it about? I slowly and silently crept out from behind the door, to a wall that was closer to them. I could hear them clearly now.




Was Rantaro...flirting with him? I glared daggers at the avocado head. 'Why won't he stop?!' I mentally screamed. I noticed Rantaro glance at me, but, it was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. "Well, I've got to go talk to Akamatsu~san now, see ya' later, shorty." Rantaro said, winking at Ouma~kun before walking away, back down the stairs.


It was working. Last week, Saihara~cyan was sick, and I wanted to make a plan to see if he liked me or not. The whole class except Shumai was telling me it was quite obvious he did, so we had put together a plan to see if we could make him jealous. The first phase of the plan  was going well, me and Rantaro were positioned at me and Shuichi's meet-up spot. As soon as we knew Shu~Shu was coming, Rantaro started flirting with me, as scripted of course. We pretended not to realise my emo friend coming closer, he was never the best at hiding or sneaking.

Rantaro gave me the small hand-signal we made when he thought it was a good time for him to stop and leave. "Well, I've got to go talk to Akamatsu~san now, see ya' later, shorty." I said, giving me a wink. He then walked off down the stairs, I already knew Tsumugi and Kiibo were watching the whole thing to set up the next phase.

((Time skip bought to you by my lack of sleep))

Phase two starts now, and I can already see ShuShu's little mask breaking at this point. This would hopefully show it more than the last phase. Me and Gonta were sitting at our classes table in the cafeteria, me sitting on his lap. Shuichi can and sat next to us, noticing me on Gonta's lap immediately. He glared slightly at Gonta, but I also could recognise a hint of longing in his eyes as well.


What is going on today? Did I do something to upset Ouma? Why is he not talking to me? All these thoughts raced around in my mind as I walked over to the table me and my friends would sit everyday.

As soon as I sat down, I noticed Ouma~Kun on Gonta's lap. Why Gonta? Why not sit on mind and cuddle? I glared up at Gonta a little, 'how come he gets time with Ouma~kun today and not me?' I thought. I could this day get any worse?

((Time skip bought to you by Easter :D))

The halls were silent as I walked down them, well, almost silent. "Hey, degenerate male! Have you seen Himi~chan?" I heard the SHSL Neo-aikido master, Tenko Chabashira, call out to me. "H-himi~chan? Who's that?" I asked, turning my head to look at her as she came closer. "Himiko, I haven't seen her anywhere." She said with a huff, rolling her eyes a bit.

"Well, I haven't seen her, but I can help you look. I'm actually looking for Ouma~kun, so maybe they're together." I replied, earning a hesitant nod in return. Together, we walked back to the classroom, maybe they were there?

I opened up the classroom door, poking my head inside as well as Tenko. But what I saw...upset me and Tenko both...





Himiko and Ouma~kun were kissing...KISSING! Oh Atua, I wish that was me instead of Himiko, and why her of all people! I heard Tenko sniffle as well as myself. Ouma and Yumeno stoped and look at us, "o-oh, hi!" Ouma said, then whispering something to Yumeno.


"We definitely went too far this time..." I whispered to Himiko. We had both been planning to make our best friends jealous, but, this is too far. "W-we can explain-" I said, taking a step closer to Shuichi and Chabashira. He ran off. "Saihara! Wait!" I yelled following him down the hallways, and into the dorms.

'Why the hell did I agree to that?! I'm so stupid!' I mentally yelled at myself. I reached his dorm, it was locked as expected. "Shuichi, please, let me explain." I said, leaning against the door. I could hear quiet sobbing through the door, I knew he was there.

"The whole time, they were trying to prove to me that you liked me, and by they, I mean the class. I had no idea that it would go THIS far, I wasn' thinking properly when I agreed to it. I didn't mean to hurt you..." I said, backing away from the door a little when I heard no response. 'I guess Shuichi doesn't want to talk, it's reasonable.' I thought, lowering my head and started walking away.

I felt someone grab my wrist, I looked back to see Saihara there holding my wrist. His face was tear stained, mascara dripping from them. "Is it true?...are you not lying to me?" He said. "I know I'm a lier, but this is not the time for me to lie, so no, I'm not lying to you" I replied, giving him my serious face. I could she him slightly smile. He pulled me into a big hug, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. "I-I th-thought I d-did something t-to make you m-mad..." he said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

We stayed like that for a while, hugging each other. It felt like time had slowed, I hope this peaceful moment never ends.

~A/N~ Welp, this was trashy 😀. I hope you enjoyed, next one shot will be that Ghost!Kokichi x Shuichi AU. Bay for now and happy Easter!

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