Reunited & Saving Beacon

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Chapter: Eleven

—— A Few Hours Ago ——

Zara's eyes shot open when her body smashed into the ground. The whip wrapped around her waist by the Ghost Rider vanishing into a cloud of green smoke. She scoffed as she leaned back on her elbows, glaring daggers at the rider sitting atop his horse.

"Would it kill you guys to be more gentle? You already squeezed the life out us with your whip, and or shot us!" She snaps angrily, the rider didn't seem to like that considering the fact that he picked up his whip and slashed it at her, she jumped back in fear as the Ghost Rider kept snapping it at her arms and legs. Suddenly as she crawled backwards she was yanked away from the Ghost Cowboy and out of his eyeline.

Her heart was racing, who the fuck grabbed her? She barred her fangs in self defense getting ready for a fight but her expression fell almost immediately.

It was all back, just like it never left.

The messy brunette hair, the lopsided grin, the moles speckled all over his pale skin, the honey brown eyes.

It was Stiles.

Her best friend Stiles.

"Zara?" He said in disbelief with honey brown eyes blinking like he can't believe she's standing there.

She nods, a wide smile forming on her lips. "It's me." She instantly pulls him into her arms and he holds her so tightly, that he would probably break her if she weren't a vampire. She couldn't believe that she forgot what it was like to hug him. He pulled away and held onto her waist.

"What are you doing here?!" He exclaimed

"I uh.. sacrificed myself to find you guys. We were running out of time, everyone was being taken and we were the only ones left besides Liam, Hayden, Mason and Theo, and my cousin Sage. Yes I said Theo, Liam brought him back because we needed his help. Also, Mr. Douglass is evil, he's a Nazi who wants his own supernatural army of Ghost Riders. He had one their whips and snapped it at us so I jumped forward and now I'm here."

"Zara, you fucking martyr! I missed you so much dude." Stiles says pulling her into his embrace again, but then he suddenly pulls away. "Holy shit, DEREK!" He then pulls her arm and starts vamping through the train station, because of course the Wild Hunt traps their victims in train stations.

Zara is pulled into the dark tunnel once the Ghost Riders have left to get more victims, they're walking down the railroad tracks and then she sees someone sitting on the bench, the person looks up when seeing Stiles is calling for them and then their eyes widen in disbelief.

"I'll just leave you guys alone." Stiles says with a smile in his voice before he vamps back into the dark tunnel.

Zara feels all the missing puzzle pieces come together when their eyes meet. Tears fill her eyes as he jumps down from the platform and onto the train tracks. She swallows as a smile takes place on her face, his face reflecting hers as he steps closer.

"Derek?" She whispers like she's afraid this isn't real, like she's dreaming and he's not actually standing infront of her.

Derek's jade green eyes bore into her warm brown ones as he nods, his hands sliding up her arms and moving to her shoulders. Her breath hitches as she feels his warm fingers sliding against the skin of her cheeks, he cups them in his hands and she throws all cation to the wind. She leans up on her toes and slams her mouth against his almost making him stumble but he just holds onto her cheek while the other hand grips at her waist.

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