Full Shifts & Elias

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Chapter: Three

Zara was sitting in an empty classroom with the twins, Malia, and Scott googling the name Stiles on his laptop. Unlike the name Derek, Stiles was a very unfamiliar name for someone to have considering none of them have ever heard of anyone named Stiles before.

So.. their best bet was google.

"Stile. A set of steps that allows people but not animals to climb over a fence." Scott recites with a puzzled look covering his features.

"Yeah, I don't think that's the kind of Stiles we're looking for."

"Nope, not at all." Scott sighs before closing the window and shutting his computer.

"Maybe Isaac has found something?" Lyla suggest with a faint smile and a tint to her head causing her waterfall high ponytail to tilt with her movement and her ringlets of strawberry blonde curls to spill down her shoulders.

"Nope, he's been doing makeup tests all morning, he's not taking this "No control" thing very well. I'm doing slightly better than him for some reason but he's been on edge and a little aggressive and just overall... anxious." Scott frowns along with his brows scrunching like Isaac struggling gives him physical pain, and it does.

Zara can feel it in the pack bond.

"I bet it doesn't help with the full moon in a few days." Lyla frowns deeply as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Nope, you'll definitely need to be his anchor, Lyla. He'll need you now more than ever." Lydia says as she wraps an arm around her twin. Lyla just nods with a look of worry yet determination.

"I'll be there for him, I promise." She replies

Suddenly there was aloud howl and Zara heard claws clicking down the school hallway, she looked at her friends wide eyed, "I guess those makeup tests aren't going well."

"Did I forget to mention that when he gets too stressed he goes full shift?" Scott winces and they're all suddenly making their way towards the janitors closet as they follow Scott who has his scent, once they're inside the twins' mom walks in looking stressed.

"I thought you guys didn't shift like this?" She asked with her hands on her hips, she doesn't looked amused by the situation at all.

"He's... having trouble recently." Scott says standing infront of the angry wolf infront of him,  Isaac's fur coat is a light honey and it looks soft to the touch, but his eyes glow golden in the dim closet and he's snarling angrily.

Soon enough the Sheriff's comes into the room and sees Isaac infront of them, "Scott, can't you do something to bring him back?"

Scott licks his bottom lip, he has a nervous look on his face, "I'm still struggling with my powers right now, I mean, I'm not full shifting like Isaac or anything but I don't know if I can get him to come back to himself. I've only done it once to Malia."

"So then do it again, it worked for me and it should work for him." Malia says

Lyla grabs his shoulder, "You have to try, Scott." Scott glances at her and then he nods slowly.

He turns to the wolf on the ground infront of him and he drops to the floor in a crouch, his eyes go from their normal warm brown to glowing and bright blood red, Isaac's wolf steps back a bit but stays standing as he looks Scott right in the eyes.

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