Milestones & Wild Hunt

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Chapter: One

Zara was snacking on a bag of Ranch Doritos as she watched Stiles interrupt Malia's yearbook photoshoot consistently for the last 10 minutes. Eventually Malia gave up as she shoved him away and took a seat next to Zara on the table, Zara offered her some Doritos in which the werecoyote reached into the bag and grabbed a few for herself.

"You ruined it." Malia says to Stiles with a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Why would I wanna ruin your yearbook pictures?" Stiles asked attempting to sound innocent in his actions.

He's failing.

"Maybe because you haven't signed up for your own photo yet?" Malia replies

"Yes I have, it's right here." He says pulling out a wrinkly piece of paper.

"Stiles, that's blank." Isaac replies

He glances at it, his brows raising, "Huh. That it is."

"Maybe you're sublimating the stress of graduating by avoiding key milestones." Scott suggest as he turns around from where he's sitting at the table.

Zara blinks at Scott, once, twice.

"Psych paper." He explains clearing up the pack's confusion.

"Got it."

"The deputy checked the car, no slugs, no exit holes. And the address Alex left my dad, it was an abandoned house. Come on! Missing parents, mysterious guy on horseback and magic bullet, who's coming with?" Stiles exclaims with excitement in his voice.

"I've gotta retake my photos." Malia says

"I've still yet to take my photos." Lyla replies as she touches up her makeup with her hand mirror.

"I'm gonna pass, babe." Lydia replies

"I'm just not interested." Isaac says with a shrug

Then Stiles looks at Zara, "You're my partner in crime, Zar you gotta say yes."

She let's out a long breath, "Fine."

"Yes! Scotty, you're going right?" Stiles asked

"I need to be in class, Stiles. I've missed 38 classes already this semester and Lydia and Lyla's mom is the only reason that I'm even able to graduate on time with everyone else." Scott explains with a frown curled on his lips. "I can go after school."

"You know what, me and Zara will just take Liam." Stiles says before his eyes search for the blonde boy, Zara sees him and Hayden with their tongues down each others throat before gagging and looking away. "Never mind, we're not taking Liam." then suddenly the girl who was taking yearbook pictures grabs Stiles.

"Hey, can I get a candid?" She asked and Stiles goes to say no but then Zara just grabs his arm and yanks him to the spot below her on the bench of the table, Stiles sits down reluctantly and pulls out the piece of glass from the night before.

"I'll let this whole thing go if anyone can tell me why this glass is blue, otherwise all bets are off." He grumbles before looking at the camera.

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