Fugue States & Chest Aches

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Chapter: Two

Zara was walking down the hallway in the middle of the day when she was drawn to a certain locker that Lydia had beaten her to. She stood next to the strawberry blonde who had her books placed against her chest with her head tilted. She understood how she felt, standing at the locker felt like she was trying to remember something but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"You feel it too." Lydia stated keeping her eyes locked infront of her.

"Not sure why, but yeah. What do you think it means?"

She turns with a frown on her cupid bow lips, "I have no clue."

And with that the two girls were headed to their class, Malia rushed in right after them sitting in the seat infront of Lydia and diagonal to Zara who was sitting on Lydia's right side while her left side was empty.

Class went pretty normal, just note taking and keeping her head in her book as the teacher graded some papers. School had been pretty okay for the past 2 weeks, Zara's grades weren't too high nor too low but she did have trouble focusing.

She would have daydreams and glimpses of jade green eyes, or sometimes even icy blue glowing ones but she didn't understand why and she wasn't sure she'd ever have the answer to the strange occurrence.

The teacher began to pass out the graded papers, Zara just placed the sheet in her folder when she saw she had a B in red marker on the corner, she noticed the teacher walking towards Malia's desk and giving her a disappointed look, "Some of you really need to pay attention more and put extra time in your studies." She states as she drops Malia's paper on the desk.

Zara gave Malia a sympathetic smile when she showed her the bright red D in the corner of her sheet of paper, she had been struggling with her grades and studying with Kira gone with the Skinwalkers. "I'll help you study." She says under her breath, Malia just nods before turning in her seat and continuing to highlight every word in her book.

Class was almost over when Zara realized there was something going on with Lydia, she watched as the girl with the braid falling down her shoulder kept her eyes locked on the empty desk next to her, she went to tap her but she just flinched hard and her eyes widened as she saw it was just Zara.

"Hey, are you okay Lydia?"

Her eyes flicked back towards the chair next to her and she nods, "I'm fine."

But the bell rings and Lydia is up and out of her seat leaving her things on the next without a care, Zara and Malia look at eachother sharing a look of concern as they grab their things and follow Lydia into the hallway. They run into Lyla and Isaac who happen to be watching where she's going as well.

"What's wrong with my sister?" Lyla asked with her hands to her sides as Isaac stands by her with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

"I don't know, she just.. zoned out completely in class."

"I think we need to follow her because it looks like she's leaving." Isaac says making his way down the hall with the rest of them following him.

When they all make it outside Zara realizes Lydia is walking towards the other side of the street in the parking lot but she's going through some kind of fugue state and she's not watching where she's going, Isaac quickly runs towards her pulling her back and out of the way of the oncoming car. That seems to snap her out of it considering she she starts blinking rapidly as she stares up at Isaac who's holding both her arms in his hands.

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