38 : Lost Cause

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"There's not much I can do, Jin."

"Find something." Jin said, he stared at Hoseok and Hoseok stared back. Hoseok's scoffed at him. "What is up with you today?"

"Didn't I tell you it was nothing?"

"And that's obviously a lie."

"You know a lot about those, don't you?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, sitting back in his chair as his eyes looked Jin up and down, "If you're just gunna be in your little mood all day, you can go home. I don't need anymore negative energy around me than I already have." Hoseok said, it was Jin's turn to scoff, standing from his seat and looking down at Hoseok. "Pushing your problems away like you always do."

"Out, Jin."

Jin huffed as he left the office, he felt his ears get red in anger. He should've known better than the confront Hoseok about this. He can never listen to his own advice yet he gives it away so freely. Like an idiot.

He nearly bumped into Yoongi as made his way down the hallway towards the elevator. Yoongi gasped as he grabbed Jin's arm for balance. "Fuck, Jin. What's the rush?" He asked, Jin glared at him. "Fuck off, Yoongi."


Before Yoongi could get his sentence out, Jin was moving again. He did not even think about how rude he sounded, how much of an asshole he was acting like right now. Stuck in his own thoughts, he ran into someone else. "Oh for fucks—"

"Shit, are you okay?"

Jin paused, he stepped back and sighed when he realized it was just Namjoon. "No." Jin simply answered, he gestured vaguely towards Hoseok's office, he thought Namjoon wouldn't get the hint. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. All he did was nod as he kept his eyes on his boyfriend. "Are you okay?" He asked again, Jin met his eyes.

"He told me to leave. Go home." He muttered, his bottom lip quivered and Namjoon sighed, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the elevators. "Guess I can talk to him another time."

"Who? Hoseok?"

"Don't worry about it."




"Still sulking? It's been a few days..."

"Who said I'm still sulking? I'm not laid up in bed pouting." Jimin muttered, he glanced at Jungkook before his eyes went to the TV. "Yes. That's true. But you are sitting on the couch... and pouting."

"Good grief. Are you and Tae just gunna continue to ask me the same questions over and over again? I told you, I'm fine. Shit like this happens. You and I had a falling out before, and now look, we're fucking dating.  Yoongi is in a mood, has been for awhile now. The best we can do is let his anger subside. It will soon." Jimin said, the twist of his lips at the end of his sentence gave Jungkook the thought that he wasn't so sure about his anger subsiding. Especially anytime soon.

Jungkook sighed as he sat beside Jimin on the couch. " 'm just worried about you."

"There's no reason to be worried about me. Worry about Yoongi instead... from a distance." Jimin smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. He didn't even try to make any more eye contact with the younger. Keeping his eyes on the TV. "I'm pretty sure I can worry about both of you at the same time."

"I told you not to worry."

"And Tae and I keep telling you that's hard to do when you're like this."

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