"GUKKIIEEEE-AHHHHH." The two of them shouted and ran to hug Jeongukk.

"You are so grown up now!!" Mark exclaimed.

"I missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!" Suzy shouted

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"I missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!" Suzy shouted.

"Then why did you not come to meet me?" Jeongukk pouted

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"Then why did you not come to meet me?" Jeongukk pouted.

"KIM SEOKJIN!!!!!" Y/n shouted looking at the tall guy standing along the naughty duo.

"I'm sorry but

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"I'm sorry but... I'm Kim Seok Jino!" he replied confused.

"Hey Gukk!! I got 40 gallons of banana milk for your birthday. Now you can have a whole swimming pool of banana milk."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Jeongukk shouted.

"I would love to but... Unfortunately I am not cause its your birthday!" he replied sighing.

"My handsomeeessttt hyunggg!!!"

"Who are they Gukk? EXPLAIN PLEASE!" Y/n asked.

"They are the 3 other guardians.

Kim Seok Jino hyung is the Sub Guardian of Air.

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