The melody for Super Mario Brothers, the original game, played and I laughed as Greg shook his head.  "Oh, now I know this one!"

"Remi thought you'd be game for a throwback, Greg!"  Benji beamed, handing over the first player controller for our vintage Super Nintendo system.

Greg laughed while he tried the first level and instantly failed, causing Benji and Remington to burst into laughter at the same moment.  I looked back and forth between them and realized they even had a dimple in the same place.

Clara, help me get my head around this so I can do my best for Benji...

Even though it was adorable that Benji chalked these quirks up to fate, I had a growing pit in my stomach about the huge bomb we would eventually need to drop.

Am I doing the right thing?  Should I tell him sooner or slip in some foreshadowing so he isn't blindsided?

Benji scooted over and knelt by the wheelchair so he could show Greg a few moves while helping him get the muscle memory back so his next try was a bit more successful.  By the time he had a few trial runs Remington was getting worried about his chances.

"Dude, I'm gonna need some help, too..." he looked at me with wide eyes while I snacked on canteloupe, passing the container his way.  Remington shook his head, grabbing his fork and spearing a giant piece before popping the entire thing in his mouth.  I snorted as he tried to figure out how to chew, his face contorting and jaw wiggling around before Remi could finally swallow and say, "Ahhhh!  Delicious."

Benji laughed, reaching for the watermelon container and debating which piece to take.  "I mean, once Greg passes the whole first level he can take a break so Remi gets a chance to brush up on his skills.  Then we can go two player and all four of us can play."

"Oh, great..." I heard a groan on the other side of me and laughed, watching Remington roll his eyes and pull a pillow over his face.

I leaned back on the couch and lifted the pillow, looking over as he met my eyes.  "You good?"

"Just about to get my ass handed to me by a fourteen year old.  The usual."

His dry response made me giggle which broke the frustration from his face and turned it into a smile.  I shook my head, "Well, I would rather you get that out of the way now before Daisy is around and you're defeated by two teenagers..."

Remington's eyes grew wider and he let out a dramatic gasp, "Oh, shit."  He sat up then set aside the pillow before watching as Greg concentrated on his movements.    I grabbed the watermelon after watching Benji perform the same gymnastics Remington had just accomplished with a far too huge piece of fruit and passed it to Greg.  He caught my eye and smiled.  I realized he most likely caught the same things I did and was treasuring those moments.  Every time my little brother was just his normal dorky self there was a thread of similarity to Remington. 

There was an art to playing video games that I always enjoyed watching.  Benji and I played pretty consistently from when he was old enough to use a joystick on Daddy's old Atari.  It was a way for us to connect and just spend time together.

Now I had the chance to see him bond with his biological father and half brother.  I grabbed my soda and took a sip as they laughed when Remi whiffed a jump, falling to his Mario's demise.  He fell to his knees with fists raised to the sky, yelling, "Noooo!!" while the rest of us burst into laughter.

It was so authentic.

Video games tapped into something inside us and gave me the chance to see Remington in his truest form.

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