05: ♫ 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 ♫

Start from the beginning

At the end of the song a bunch of people started clapping, Carrie moved her arms as her minions stood behind her. "Thank you! Thank you!" Her hand sat on her chest as some girl yelled "We love you Carrie!" Carrie cheerfully waved at her "Oh, I love you too! Make sure to check out my new YouTube video." Waving her hand in front of her before pointing back at herself. Suddenly realization dawned on her as she cheered "Oh, go Bobcats." Letting out a giggle at the end.

People in the audience cheered as I mimicked her "Go Bobcats." Copying her annoying giggle before going back to glaring at her, arms crossed a crossed my chest. Flynn and Julie chuckled at me copying her, the three of us watching as she walked off, her minions following close behind.

Reggie suddenly appeared next to me throwing an arm around my shoulder he asked "You okay?" I didn't look at him as I shrugged his arm off my shoulder "Fine." I stated quietly, as to not grab Flynn's attention. The principal walked out on the gym floor with Mrs. Harrison while saying "Thank you, Dirty candy." Flynn suddenly spoke grabbing both mine and Julie's attention.

"Nows your chance. Go talk to her. See you in music class." Flynn smiled joyfully at the two of us before walking off through Reggie. Reggie let out a small groan from the weird feeling, while stating "Okay, wow, I'll never get used to that." His face scrunched up, eyes wide. Luke and Alex chuckled while shaking their heads in response to Reggie's behavior. Julie went to grab Flynn but I stopped her, a small smirk on my lips as I looked back at Julie, an idea popping up in my head. "Oh, we are getting you back into that damn music program." Julie sent me a confused look but I just looked at Principal Lessa who was currently speaking.

"That was sweet."

She awkwardly stated before a silence over came the crowd "Ok then. Before we let you go, we have a few more announcements...." I was quick to grab Julie's hand and drag her off to go back stage. "Where are we going?" She asked as I just shook my head a little before responding.

"You'll see."


Next thing ya know me and Julie are on the stage. "No, (Y/n), I don't think we've had enough time to work on the song." I sent her a smile and shook my head, putting my hands on her shoulders I stated "Julie, listen to me. It's okay to be scared, hell whenever I preform you don't thing I'm scared?" Julie shook her head, a smile gracing her lips "You always make it look so easy." I let out a small chuckle.

"Julie, whenever I preform I'm scared shitless. But we are going to do this together. Me and you. Okay? And whether you get back in the program or not, you are an amazing singer and pianist. Never think other wise. You hear?"

I said the last part a little harshly but she nodded her head as a small laugh escaped her lips. "Okay, now sit there and let's preform Luke's song. Together." I sent her a smile and she smiled back and sat down in the seat in front of the piano. I plugged in my guitar to the amp, and placed a microphone stand in front of me.

The kids started leaving as Julie started playing, the two of us looked at each other, as I sent her a smile, causing her to smile back. I let out a nervous breath of air, as I put my hands on the microphone on the stand in front of me, a light shined on the two of us as I started to sing the first verse. "Sometimes I think I'm falling down, I wanna cry, I'm callin' out. For one more try.... to feel alive...." Julie came in with the next verse as I took my hands off the microphone and put them on my guitar.

"And when I feel, lost and alone, I know that I can make it home, fight through the dark and find the spark."

I started to play my guitar as the two of us sang, students and teachers stopping to listen to us "Life is a risk, but I will take it, close my eyes and jump, together I think that we can make it come on, let's run....." suddenly I hear the noise of ghosts appearing, causing me to look over and see the boys, but over all kept singing with Julie.

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