"Sorry, I forgot." Harry said. Y/n shook her head, leaning back into bed. She began to tune them out again as they started talking about "You-Know-Who." She sighed, closing her eyes, hoping maybe sleep would overcome her.

"Happy Birthday! You're getting quite big." A man's voice spoke. Another man came in. "She sure is, she'll be casting jinxes and curses in no time!" The men laughed and a woman's voice barged in. "No, she won't, she'll be a good girl. Won't you, dear?" The woman kissed the girl's cheek. The girl giggled, waving a stick around. Another man came in. "Sorry I'm late, I was picking up a present..." the man apologized. "Moony! You made it!"

"Y/n! C'mon, we're here." Harry tapped her. She stood up and they both headed out. "Thanks!" They said. "There you are, Harry!" Said a voice. Y/n turned to look. It was Cornelius Fudge; the Minister of Magic. "Shit." muttered Y/n.

"What did you call Neville, sir?" Asked Stan. "Neville? This is Harry Potter!" Fudge spoke. "I knew it!" Stan exclaimed. "You had said you were Harry Potter's sister last time, I remember!"

Y/n sighed. "I was hoping you didn't."

A few minutes passed and the two were led inside the Leaky Cauldron. Y/n was glancing around, she noticed that not once did Fudge release his grip on Harry. The three walked into a private parlor.

"Sit down, you two." Fudge told them. They sat down, looking at each other. "I am Cornelius Fudge." Y/n had seen his face on the Daily Prophet before so she already knew.

"Well, you two, you've had us quite in a flap, running away from your aunt and uncle's house like that. But you're safe, and that's what matters." He told them. He pushed his plate towards them. "Eat, you look dead on your feet."

Fudge began to explain that they deal with the issue of Marge being blown up. Y/n mentally rolled her eyes. He continued to say that Petunia and Vernon were angry but they would take in Harry next summer as long as he stayed for the Christmas and Easter holidays. "And you Y/n... I'm sorry to say this but they don't want you visiting anymore."

Y/n's huffed. "Of course..." she mumbled, gritting her teeth. "Now is to decide where you'll be staying for the next two weeks."

"Hang on, what about my punishment?" Harry asked. Y/n facepalmed. 'If you get off with no punishment, accept it and ignore it!'

"It was an accident! You don't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts." Fudge told him.

── ──

Y/n laid in bed of her own room at the Leaky Cauldron. She stared at the ceiling, her mind wandering about those flashes in her head.

"Who the hell is Moony?" She mumbled to herself. She hated that she could barely remember much of her childhood.

She decided to sleep on it. The next day, Y/n took Harry to get some ice cream in Diagon Alley since she never got to take him out for his birthday.

Days passed. Y/n had already purchased her new robes seeing as she had grown a bit and her new books for the school year.

She was enjoying her few days, it just being her and Harry. Plus Hedwig. She felt that this is what life could've been like if their parents hadn't been murdered.

Y/n had seen her friends Alicia Spinnet and Lee Jordan a few days as they were getting their books for Hogwarts. The three talked for a bit about how excited they were for Quidditch that year and they even stared at the Firebolt for a while. She kept hoping she would see Fred or George any of these days, but she hadn't caught any sight of them.

Until one day, she was headed to get some ice cream and she noticed that Harry was with Ron and Hermione. 'If Ron is here, then that must mean...' her thoughts were disrupted as she felt a pair of large, arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground.

"There's my second favorite person!" Fred shouted, spinning her around. "Put me down!" She kicked her legs. "Wait— second?!" She smacked his hands until he put her down. "Who's the first?" She crossed her arms. "Why, myself, of course." He told her, smugly.

George came up, hugging her. "Nice to see you, Y/n, Mum's been worried about you after she heard what Harry did." He told her. She chuckled. "Did he really blow your aunt up?" They asked. "Sure did! She puffed up like a balloon, I was sure she was going to pop!" The three laughed and Y/n was happy to see them again.

"So, will you two be staying at the Leaky Cauldron as well?" She asked them. They nodded. "Sure will. We'll be headed to King's Cross tomorrow." She nodded.

Fred leaned down to whisper in her ear, "maybe we can share your room." He smirked. She looked away, covering her cheeks before looking back at him, smirking as well. "Only... if you buy me ice cream."

"Deal!" Fred walked into the ice cream as Y/n chuckled to herself. "He's mad for you." George told her. "Oh please, it's just Fred being... well, Fred." She waved her hand dismissively. "Fred would do something to that ice cream, but with you, he leaves it be." George told her.

"That's absurd..." she told him as Fred came back out. "Here you go, m'lady." He said as he handed her, her ice cream. "Thanks!" She said, beginning to enjoy her dessert.

It was nice getting together with them one last time before the school year started.

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