Emergence: First step

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Hello, welcome to the second volume of this novel.

This time, we're changing paces. 3rd person view all the way. No changes in word count, still 2000 per chapter.

First volume is about John, then the second volume would be about everyone!

Anyways. Here's the chapter.


The two hands of time ticked slowly.

One... Two... Three...

It continued its passage, turning the gears inside, releasing sounds that reminded all beings of its eternal continuance.

Surrounded by numbers, the hands pointed at them, almost accusing, irritating, shaming.

Then it changed numbers, to another, to a different place.

The gears continued working, and the hands repeatedly pointed those numbers.

Eventually, every piece worked it's magic, and pointed at two numbers.

Twelve and one.


Inside building D, the receptionist and staff are busy, running around the multitude of crowd, lending their help to the patients and normal civilians.

Many different types of voices could be heard in the place.

"Sir! Our patient requires some heavy assistance with the activity."

"Here's your current activities listed."

"How many points do I have?"

"Do you have a pass for this?"

"Sir! Another patient requires assistance!"

"Oh shut up! I'm working on it!"

Columns of lined up people scattered around the lanes. Long, short, crowded, different people had various favourites.

Beyond the numerous people chatting and walking around, there is a lane so empty, that only two persons occupied the whole column for their own.

Those two people are called John, and Sofia.

Wearing a plain white shirt, and a denim black pant, John faced opposite a glass panel.

Sofia, on the other hand, wore a plain uniform for newbies, signalling innocence at her job.

Though John, didn't think so to himself. This girl is a professional receptionist, but she's too wild for people, now that she met me.

I need to watch her, or her wild temper will challenge everyone's temper. He silently noted.

Sofia, had a different opinion on the matter. How many times do I have to tell him that there are differences when I switch personality?

He's smart when he has his poker face on, but he's too stiff in that state for me. She had a helpless smile on her face.

"So, did you forget something?" Sofia inquired John, a smile on her face.

She had been talking to John before, but all he could do is to continue bragging how he fixed his legs.

They both have a very bizarre trouble coming for them, but they didn't have the time to look for pointless clues, so both of them didn't have anything to do.

This man has definitely forgotten something, I can see it on his face. Sofia silently observed John.

John, the recipient of the question, could only smile embarrassedly.

Reincarnation Family - I don't want to die!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz