Eleventh step: Regaining control

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There's a line between choosing a bikini, and a regular female underwear.

If a female goes into a beach with her bikini on, a seemingly invisible barrier, capable of not making her ashamed that she's actually showing skin.

But once she changes into her underwear, and try to go on the beach, an immediate sense of shame just transforms her mind into a mess.

This raises a question in my mind.

What if another person wore a two piece bikini top, and a regular panty while going to the beach?

Will they become embarrassed? Or will they have the same nullifying shame barrier on? Maybe both?

A person can only have so much mixed feelings combined.

So here's the thing.

What if I apply it to myself right now? To my current state of physical status?

I would be both.

It's been hours since miss Sofia went back to work.

She has been called to substitute another receptionist. An order she can't refuse.

Although she's very reluctant to leave, there's no way she can't disobey the orders of her boss.

In the end, I had to let miss Sofia go, leaving me alone in the room.

After drinking those two syrums consecutively, I am slowly gaining the sense of touch beyond my waist.

'Is it not enough?', is what miss Sofia asked me, when she saw me moving my legs a bit.

And when I say 'a bit'. It's literally a small amount of movement that I would call it a twitch rather than an action.

With me being a cripple for weeks though, I am ultimately delighted that my legs are moving.

I tried to move around a bit more, intending to practice my movement first.

But all I can do right now is twitch my legs left and right.

I can feel the strength coming up from my thighs when I try to move, but it just collapses involuntarily every time.

Of course, there's also that final step that is needed. Drink the last syrum down.

But there's a big problem.

The moment I tried to open the cap of the syrum, my hand stopped involuntarily, and a very loud noise rang in my head.

So I just opened a little of the cap. The moment I whiffed the smell coming out of it, a very strong sense of vertigo hit me like a truck.

I closed it off immediately, and even stored it in the freezer.

My intuition and knowledge of very dangerous smells told me that ingesting that last syrum would be dangerous for me.

I've gone through many dangerous experiences; and I've survived life threatening situations without any information, just by using intuition.

If I can't trust myself, I would be dead many times already.

Unlike the first two syrums that is dangerous but bearable, the black syrum is radiating so much 'poison aura', it's making me see things.

For this cause, I decided to just train my control for now.

Once I prove myself that I can do it without the help of that black syrum, I would continue exercising my legs into control.

If I can't even move my legs for one step in this very day, then I'll go drink the last syrum and just gamble it all.


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