The end

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Graduation day, 1st person POV.

"...And lastly, I want to thank my three best friends in the whole wide world, Hoseok, Nicki and Yoongi, you all changed my life for the better and I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for you guys, thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you guys."

"Kim Y/n everyone!" the whole school applauded as I finished my speech.

"Friend huh?" Yoongi smirked as I came down from the stage.

"Oh shut up don't make it so obvious all the time," I looked away embarrassed.

"Okay okay, but for real, you did amazing."

"Especially since I was mentioned," Hoseok said smugly.

"You're such a hypocrite J-hope."

"J-hope? Hey, I kinda like that."

"I like it too," Nicki said flirtatiously.

"You wanna kiss or something?" Hoseok asked.

"It's like you can read my mind," she smashed her lips onto his.

"While those two are busy eating each other's faces," Yoongi looked away in disgust, "I actually want to tell you something."

"Oh yeah for sure, what's up?"

"Well, it's actually like a tiny tiny gift," he scratched the back of his head.

"Omg Yoongi we've been over this, you don't have to get me anything anymore," I whined.

"I know I know, but just this once, it's your special day, top in the class! You deserve something! Plus, I already kind of paid for it."

"Paid for what?"

"I may or may not have paid off all your student loans."

"You did WHAT?"

"Yeah, where's my hug?" I jumped right into his wide-open arms teary-eyed, "You didn't have to do that! What could I ever do to repay you?" I gently caressed his face.

"Kiss me."

"Say no more," I placed my lips onto his, tasting the tangerine flavoured lip balm he always wears.

"I love you," I pull away all smiles.

"I love you way more," he does his signature nose scrunch and puts me back down.

"Oh please, where's my credit?" Nicki pulled away making Hoseok whine a bit, "Without me, you guys wouldn't even know each other existed," she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yes thank you very much Nicki, but looks like we have work to do, I just got shipped a new assortment of drugs that need to be sold by tonight," Yoongi said checking his phone.

"Sounds good to me boss, you guys coming?" I looked at Hoseok and Nicki.

"Duh, who would want to miss out on another deadly mission?" Nicki stud up.

"Hoseok, you?" Yoongi asked.

"Nah I'll pass, I don't feel like it this time."

"If you say so, won't be the same without you dude," Yoongi held my hand ready to leave, "Nicki you coming?"

"Yeah one moment," she leans into Hoseoks ear and whispers something making his eyes go wide.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go," she smirked and walked past us.

"Fine fine, I'm coming wait!" Hoseok stood up and ran towards Nicki.

"I wonder what she told her that made him that eager to join," I looked at Yoongi. "It's Nicki who we're talking about here, you never know what will come out of her mouth next."

"You're right, guess we'll never know."

The end.

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Author's note: Look who finally posted the last chapter after all the wait, hope you enjoyed it! More Books coming out soon, stay tuned :)

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