Sugar daddy request

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I decided to not overthink much about what I just did so I got up and stumbled to my messy room. I fell on the small mattress in the middle of the floor and slowly drifted off to sleep. I didn't do my homework, I didn't change nor did I eat but I couldn't care less, I needed an escape from reality.

The next morning at 10:00 AM, Friday.

I woke up due to the bright sunlight hitting my face. Rubbing my eyes I sit up and check my phone. "OH MY FUCKING GOD I'M LATE."

I rush to my bathroom to quickly freshen up. After like 5 minutes I run back to my room and pick out an outfit from the pile of clothes lying all over the floor.

I settled on some old baggy jeans, some random shirt I found, a pair of white sneakers I got from Walmart, and a gray zip-up sweatshirt since it was kind of chilly out today. Majority of the clothes I own are when I was younger, thank god they still fit.

I snatch my backpack hoping it had everything I needed inside and hurry out the door.

I dashi run run run as fast as I can to campus to not waste time waiting for the next bus.

After sprinting for my life I finally saw the big college building from a distance...but I was too late, the gates were already closed. I wasn't going to give up that easily though. I snuck to the backside of the school and looked around for any cameras to which there weren't any, perfect. I threw my backpack over the fence and quickly followed, jumping over it like a pro. I then carefully climb up the tall ladder leading to the rooftop so I can get into the building through the top entrance. Quietly creeping inside through the luckily unlocked door I chuckle to myself, "Still got it."

Right before I entered the classroom I took a deep breath to calm down, opening the door I ignore everyone's intense stares and head to my assigned seat next to my best friend Jung Hoseok.

We go back about 3 years when we were both caught at a party for underage drinking. The both of us were brought back to a sobering house and kept there for about 48 hours. In that timeframe, we had nothing else to do besides keep each other company, and ultimately because of that, we became best friends.

"Mind telling us why you're late again?" The teacher raised one of her eyebrows whilst crossing her arms.

"Slept in," I say with nearly no emotion, taking out a pen and paper from my bag.

"What class is this supposed to be again?" I whisper-tell Hoseok.

Time skip, lunchtime 10:40 AM.

"Hope!" I shout out and run to him after I packed my stuff. He turns around and gave a 'Bitch what do u want' look. I playfully hit his arm making him laugh.

"Stop with that stupid nickname will you?"

A yes he hated that nickname, he wants to maintain his cool boy-like image and I guess I'm ruining it.

"Oh shut up will you, we all know deep down you're nothing but rainbows and unicorns-" I take his wrist and start pulling him towards the cafeteria.

Finally arriving at our table we saw two of our other friends sitting around it: Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin.

"Oh finally, what took you guys so long?" Namjoon raises an eyebrow looking up at the both of us while stuffing his face full of food.

"Yah idiot! Don't talk while you eat!" Jin scolds the obviously hungry guy.

"Not my fault you didn't make breakfast this morning!" Namjoon argues back.

"I'm not your mom, learn to cook for yourself!" He snatches the food away from Namjoon.

"Hey give it back!"

I let out a small laugh and sit down in front of the two bickering roommates. Noticing how Hoseok placed his backpack on his seat instead of his ass I thought he was going to go get himself some food so I got out my phone. I usually don't get anything I just like to keep Hoseok company, it's not that I don't want to eat it's just that the food here is so expensive.

"Aren't you coming?" I look up to Hoseok in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

He leans in closer to my ear so no one but me will hear.

"I know you're hungry, let's go, my treat."

He backed away and held out his hand waiting for me to take it.

"I'm paying you back sooner or later" I grab his hand and we go to get some food.

Timeskip, home 5:00 PM.

I got home and immediately flopped down on my mattress.

I took my phone out of my back pocket and saw a new notification on my screen.

New sugar daddy request! Check out now!

I open up the notification and it brings me to a profile with little to no information.

Username: Gloss
His picture was a dog.
Nickname: Min Yoongi
Hidden age.
Race: Asian
Marital status: Single

That's it? seriously?

Should I accept it? I mean there's nothing wrong with a little mystery am I right?

Decline Accept

Well, I did it. Now what?


Hi baby, desperate for a sugar daddy aren't we?

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