Video games

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I looked up and our eyes locked.

Is that him? Is that really him?

"Oh and this is the famous first poop he ever did in the big boy toilet, isn't that adorable-" His mom went on about the picture book.

"Okay, I think that's enough for now," He closed the book and paused, then looked at me again, "I need to talk to you."

I nodded and followed him to the bedroom he first came out of.

He shuts the door, "So you're actually Y/n? Didn't think we'd meet like this but here we are."

"Haha yeah...I didn't really expect you to be here you know." I try to avoid eye contact.

"Neither did I, if I did, my first impression wouldn't be this scuffed, I look horrible next to you." He scratched the back of his head making me chuckle.

"No no you look pretty-well, handsome, I mean you look a lot like your mother and she's a very gorgeous woman and those PJs suit you, I have a skirt with the same pattern."

"Thanks, talking about my mom though, how do you even know her?"

"I used to live here..." I sigh and sit on the bed.

"Oh, so this just so happened to be the place you got evicted from?"

"Yup..." I plopped on the bed looking at the ceiling.

It got silent.

"Wanna play some video games or something?" He asked holding up two controllers.

"Is that even a question? Get ready to lose fucker." I jump back up snatching one of the controllers.

We played for hours and I mean hours, I won almost every round but I'd let him win here and there from time to time.

"I know you're letting me win," He rolls his eyes.

"Not my fault you suck at video games." I stand up and stretch after a long gaming session.

"Dinners ready!" We heard Yoongis mom call out.


"Ladies first." He opens the door for me.

"Thank you, kind sir." I curtsy.

"Dad your home?" He greets his father.

"Yeah, there was no more work left, I see you brought a girl home." He nudged the boy's side making him blush.

"Dad stop, I'm not a kid anymore I'm literally 22," Yoongi whined.

"Still our baby." His mom joins in the conversation while filling everyone's plates with food.

Wow is this what it feels like to have a healthy relationship with your parents?

"Sweetheart take a seat next to Yoongi, I made my famous dumplings!"

The food tasted amazing, I haven't had such good cuisine in ages and I absolutely loved talking to everyone, I felt safe and loved.

"Mmm, this is amazing!" I complimented the dish.

"You're too sweet, eat as much as you'd like!"

"Will do!" I stuff my face with as much food as I could.

"Y/n how are you going to get home?" Yoongis dad asked.

"I'll drive her home, I don't want her walking alone at night." Yoongi casually answered taking a sip of his water.

"That's my boy." His mom ruffled his head.

"Again, I'm 22."

Time skip, after dinner 11:23 PM.

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