Chapter 29- Graduation & Departure

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This was the day that everyone have waited for since the second week of freshman year. To say they made it a long way would definitely describe their journey. They've been through fist fights, verbal fights, mental fights and everything in between.

Throughout the rest of their high school years, they've went on trips to Washington. They've went to Malibu, and take it from me, that was probably the most chaotic trip they've every attended in their entire life.

Today the juniors are going to Malibu. To say they're excited would definitely be an understatement. If you asked what everyone was doing today, they wouldn't be able to tell you either.

Cheryl is at Toni's house, helping her pack because as Cheryl says, 'she's never prepared.' Toni's mind is all over the place, but she knows that this is her fault, so she's definitely going to have to take the consequences and roll with it. Just like everything else.

"Toni, hurry up," Cheryl said, packing Toni's bag. Toni was in the bathroom crying silently. Cheryl walked in to see the brunette crying.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Cheryl asked. Toni looked at her and left out the bathroom.

Cheryl didn't know what was going on, but she knew it wasn't something good. They finished packing Toni's bag and went to Mason's car. The entire ride to the school was silent and Cheryl didn't understand why.

Once they arrived at school, Toni and Cheryl loaded their things onto the city bus and got on, being met with a gang of juniors. Toni went all the way to the back, that being where the rest of her friend group was at. Sweet Pea saved a spot for Toni and Cheryl because he knew that Toni was going to be running behind a little. 

Toni sat down, Cheryl following, and she leaned her head against the wall. Cheryl put a hand on her knee and Toni looked over at her. "Babe, what's wrong?" Cheryl asked, reminding Toni of the question she asked not too long ago.

"I was just a bit stressed," Toni said. Cheryl nodded and leaned her head on Toni's shoulder.

"Well, just relax now." Cheryl said, rubbing her thumb across the tan skin.

The bus ride was like a bus ride with juniors. Teachers somewhat yelling because they were too loud. Students blasting inappropriate music to piss the teachers off and more.

When they finally arrived, the group of kids were met with a few people who were there to greet them. They all got their luggage and made their way to the entrance of the hotel, where the teacher led them to. She turned around and started to speak.

"I'm going to keep this simple. Don't have any babies, don't get into any fights, unless- discard that. Do not, I repeat, do not have any babies. That's not something I want to hear. Just enjoy yourself and make sure you make it to the cafeteria for lunch and dinner. I get that some of you -all of you- aren't morning people, so whoever can make it to breakfast, then you do you. Other than that, welcome to Malibu and have a splendid time," The teacher spoke. Everyone cheered and poured into the hotel. They got their room keys and went up to their rooms.

Cheryl and Toni went in their room and instantly hit the bed. Cheryl laid on Toni's back as they fell asleep. They don't know why they were so tired, but they did know that they were extremely exhausted, so they were going to sleep.

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