Chapter 17- Oh My Fucking God

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It's the next day, Friday, and Toni didnt go to school that day because they didnt want to risk another episode happening in school. Cheryl was able to stay with Toni because, she is Cheryl Blossom after all. They got their work from that day and they did their work. It would be times where Toni would throw pencils at Cher and Cher would do the same to Toni.

They spent majority of their day in the room and only really left out to eat, and that was about 1 time throughout the day. It's about 3 in the afternoon and the girls are watching TV.

Ava came into the room with lunch. She didnt ask them if they wanted anything because she knew that they wouldve said they were okay. She came up with Caesar salad's and juice for them.

"Hey. I got you guys some food. You're going to eat it because you havent ate all day." Ava said as she put the food on Toni's bed

"Mom, you didnt have to get us something. And we did eat. We ate breakfast." Toni said as she gave Cheryl her food

"First, I did. Second, you literally ate fruit and drunk coffee. That might be healthy and all, but that's not a reall breakfast." Ava said tilting her head as she made a valid point

"Whatever." Toni said smiling as she playfully rolled her eyes

"Before you guys get comfortable, can I talk to Cher?" Ava asked

"Yeah." Cheryl responded as she walked to the door

"Please dont scare my girlfriend off. I need her." Toni said as Ava closed the door

"Is everything okay?" Cheryl asked once they were in the clear

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to ask how Toni's doing." Ava said as she sat down on the bench that was in
their hall

"She still gets down a little bit, but shes doing better than before. She tends to be in bed a lot, even when she does her homework. She needs to get out, but I don't want to push her and make her feel obligated to go out when she doesnt want to." Cheryl explained to an understanding Ava

"Do you think she'll be out of her room this weekend?" Ava asked Cheryl while playing with her fingers

"Honestly, I dont know, but I can try and have her out the room today. You know explore the house. Most importantly, are you okay?" Cheryl asked Ava

"Its just that when this time comes around she gets distant and theres nothing that I feel like I can do to help her. Its like I feel shes alone when I'm right here, like there's nothing I can do to help her. Its hard for me to talk to her. She just doesnt want to talk to anyone. She barely eats around this time of year." Ava said as she started to tear up

"Sometimes, even if you dont want to, you have to invade her space. Cause it happens with me. Whenever a certain time comes around, same as Toni, I distance myself from everyone and everything. As a kid, we push you away, when we really want you close. It's kinda hard to explain, but you need to make sure that when she pushes you away, you push more. You may seem like she doesnt want to talk, but she really does. She told me about everything that happened and I completely understand why shes the way she is around this time, and I'm sorry for your loss. Just make sure she doesnt drive you away from her." Cheryl said as she hugged and reassured Ava

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