Chapter 2- So, What Do You Think? You down?

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"Her name is...."


"Her name is.." Toni attempted to day until her dad came in the door.

"Hey Tiny, how was school?" her dad asked as he settled in

"It was good. I actually need to tell you and mom something." Toni responded

"Okay, I'll be right there." Mason called to Toni and Avalon who were currently sitting at the table

"Okay." Toni responded. Her dad came back at the table and the conversation went from there

"So, what's up?" Mason said as he sat in the seat

"Its about some girl that she likes." Avalon said smiling

"Ohhhhh. Who might this special lady be?" Mason said while smirking

"Here's the thing, I really like her, like really like her. It's just, I dont know how mom would react to this." Toni said trying to soften up her mom

"I think I know who you're talking about. And I wanna make a bet." Mason declared

"Avalon, if I get the person right, you have to order me lunch for a week." Mason bet

"Mason, if  you get the person wrong, then you buy me lunch for a week." Avalon bet

"Deal?" Mason asked holding his hand out

"Deal." Avalon agreed as they shook hands

"You guys act like teenagers. But, anyways, the girl that I'm talking about is..." Toni started to say

"Cheryl Blossom." Mason finished the sentence

"Wait what?! Cheryl Blossom?! Did you say, Blossom?!" Avalon practically yelled standing up

"Dad, see what I mean. Mom you just loss the bet with dad by the way." making her point

"Babe, sit down. Talk it out, hear her out." Mason said grabbing her wrist softly

"Why do you think I should let you date her?" Avalon asked but she was now more uptight

"When I'm around her I'm happy. I'm happy when shes around. She makes me smile on a daily basis and everyone sees this. I truly like her." Toni said confessively

"How do I not know shes not like the others?" Avalon said putting her argument on the table

"Shes not. Shes quiet, shes shy, shes kind, respectful, and shes beautiful. She respects everyone until they disrespect her. Shes a good person, I can guarantee that." Toni said confessing her feelings even more

"Babe, think about it. Just think about it. Your disapproval of this will only make her feelings stronger than they are now." Mason said making his point

"Yeah, I'll think about it. But, I want to meet her." Avalon said almost giving in

"When? I can have her here by tomorrow after school." Toni said excitedly

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