Chapter 6- Scissors

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It's now 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning and the girls are still asleep. About 30 minutes or so later, Toni wakes up. Shes blinded by the light shining through the window that lit up the room.

She sees Cher's still sleep and she just grabs her phone. 20 minutes pass and Toni's bored, so she decided to wake Cheryl up. She smothered her with kisses, but Cher only pushed her off and turned the other way. Toni got up and stood on the bed and started to jump.

"Babeeeeeeee!! WAKEEEE UUPPPPPPPPP!!!" Toni said still jumping on the bed

"Ughhhh. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP." Cheryl said throwing a pillow at her

"Make me." Toni said stopping and crossing her arms. Cheryl sat up and looked at the now taller girl.

"I see someone's up." Toni said as she jumped off the bed

Cheryl laid back down, back facing towards Toni. She ended up going back to sleep. Toni let her because she didnt like her attitude. A hour later, Toni decided to take a shower.

She grabbed her things and got in the shower. About 20 minutes in the shower, Cher woke up. She woke up and looked around and couldnt find Toni. That's when she heard the sound of the shower and relaxed some. About 15 minutes later, Toni came out of the bathroom with joggers, a red hoodie, Nike slides with socks, and a chain.

She looked up and Cher was looking at her. She walked to the bed and sat down. She pulled out her phone and started to scroll.

"I see you're in a better mood." Toni said still in her phone, but Cher didnt respond. Toni looked up and Cher was on her phone.

"So shes giving me the silent treatment today huh?" Toni thought still scrolling

Cheryl got up and got her things to get in the shower. 45 minutes later Cher was finished. She came out and sat back on the bed and got on her phone. Toni was hungry because she hadn't eaten and shes been up for about 4 hours.

"Are you hungry? If so, what do you want?" Toni asked looking at Cheryl

"IHOP." Cheryl responded looking in her phone

"Can you look at me and say that?" Toni said still looking at Cheryl, but with an annoyed face

"I want IHOP, Toni." Cheryl said sarcastically

"What do you want?" Toni asked rolling her eyes and going back in her phone

"Pancakes, fruit, and orange juice." Cheryl responded looking at a now agitated Toni.

Toni didnt respond and got up to go order the food and ended up sitting on the couch. Cheryl noticed Toni didn't come back upstairs so she went downstairs. Toni was on the couch with the TV on while she was on her phone. Cheryl sat on the couch further away from Toni.

About 30 minutes or so later, the food came. Toni grabbed the food, paid the deliverer, and entered the house again. She got Cheryl's food out and gave it to her and Cher didn't say thank you.

"You couldve said thank you." Toni said going into the dining room

"Thank you, Toni." Cheryl said sitting back down in her recent seat

Toni ate by herself in the dining room while listening to music on her phone. She was listening to a Pop Smoke playlist. All rap, she didn't feel like R&B that morning. A Boogie came on and Toni vibed, he was one of her favorite artist.

She soon got finished and threw all of her trash in the trash bin. She sat back at the table and soon after Cheryl threw her trash away. Cheryl sat at the table and Toni looked up at her. She looked back in her phone and continued to scroll. Cheryl got up and walked in the living room and as she walked Toni watched as her hips swayed back and forth.

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