Chapter 5- Baby!

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They all walked to class and continued on with the day. Toni had something planned, and it was now time to act on it.


Its 3 weeks later and Toni's going to ask Cheryl if she could go to prom and be her girlfriend. Toni was scared, even though she didnt need to given the fact they make out damn near everyday. They havent said I love you yet, but Toni working on it. She didnt want to rush into anything, especially after her last relationship with her ex, Julia.

Julia was a cold and inconsiderate bitch. She cared about her and only herself. She spread rumors about Toni saying that she slept with her. Between me and you, Toni knew her damn self she could've done better and would never disrespect herself like that.


She came into school and everyone was murmuring. Jason came up to her and asked her if the rumors was true.

"Broo, you and Julia slept together?" Jason asked out of breathe like he'd been running a marathon

"Hell no. What the fuck are you talking about?" Toni asked confused as fuck because she would never do that

"That's what Julia said to everyone." Jason said

"That fucking bitch. We're done. Where is she?" Toni asked now pissed off

"Shes outside." Jason said pointing to the bug steel double doors

Toni stormed outside to see Julia talking to a whole group of people. When Julia spotted Toni and she smiled and got up to hug Toni, but Toni pushed her. Toni had enough of her shit, from this, to the disrespect she constantly got, she was fed up.

"We're fucking done! And tell your little pests that you wanted me for sex. Yeah, that's right, Julia Mcfuckjngdumbass tried to use me for sex. But, I was the smart one and didn't do shit." Toni said exposing her to the whole school and everyone laughed at her

Toni was hurt and she wanted to crawl in a hole. She saw redhead that wasnt Jason (or Archie) looking at her with a concerned face. She gave a sad smile which Toni returned. She walked from outside and believe it or not, that was her bestfriends brother. But, she would never tell him nor her.

~end of flashback~

Now look at her, asking her dearest lover if she they could be official. Or at least more official that they already were. It was the second period and this was the time where they had 15-20 minutes to get to their next class and it was the perfect time for Toni to go along with her plan.

Cheryl walked out of the class with Ronnie and they walked to where Toni was at. They walked and Cheryl finally looked forward. Toni was standing in front of a banner that said 'Will You Be My Cherry Blossom?'. Everyone was gathered around. Cheryl saw it and she instantly started to tear up.

She walked up to Toni slower with her head down and finally looked up as a tear fell. Toni walked and they met in the middle of the hallway. Toni began her 'speech'.

"Cheryl Blossom. It's been a pleasure of being your 'girlfriend' even though I'm not your girlfriend. It's been a pleasure of being your crush, but I would like for us to make it official?" Toni asked

"Yeah." Cheryl said rapidly shaking her head hugging Toni. Everyone awed, until somebody had to say something

"Their nast ass relationship." Emily said as she pushed pass Toni

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