Chapter 9- Prom

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Its Thursday, the day before prom and everyone have been up talking and conversing amongst each other. They've been on the phone, on facetime, and they met up at Pop's for lunch. They also had dinner together. They had pizza because they didnt feel like all of the fancy food, they wanted to eat normally.

Prom Day...

Its prom day and everyone woke up at different times. The girls woke up at about 9 o'clock (excluding Toni), whereas, the boys (including Toni), woke up at about 12 or 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The girls got their makeup and hair professionally done and their dresses custom made. Each girl represented who they went to prom with. Cheryl went with Toni, Betty went with Ronnie, Josie went with Sweet Pea, Kevin went with Fangs, and Archie went with Jug.

Cheryl was getting upset because Toni wouldnt wake up early. She thought okay she gets dressed fast, but she could still wake up early. She tried to wake Toni up, so much and she wouldnt budge. That very day let Cheryl know, Toni has some, guy in her.

She left her alone and about 45 minutes later, Toni woke up and went with the boys. She went with the boys because they all wore suits and she was "one of the boys". She went and got ready and get her hair and makeup done.

When she was finished, she went to the boys and they were all on her case.

"Omg! Look at, Tiny!" Pea said as he covered his mouth

"My baby is so grown up." Fangs said as he wiped tears out his eyes, Kevin following with him

"You look great, Tones." Archie said while dabbing her up

"Thanks." Toni said to everyone

About an hour or so passed and it was time to go. The boys and Toni stood at the bottom of the stairs with corsage in hand. As each girl walked down the stairs, each person had a different reaction.

Pea was just shocked. He had no words, and he started to drool until Toni nudged him in the arm. She put the corsage on Josie and they stepped aside. Betty and Ronnie came down as Archie and Jughead held their blue corsages coordinating with their dresses. They put one on each girl and stepped aside. The last one was Cheryl.

She came down and Toni was stunned  at the sight. Shes never seen Cheryl with a fancy dress on until today. Cheryl walked down the stairs and Toni started to tear up. She turned he head and wiped the tear and turned back. Cheryl was now down the stairs and was now in front of Toni.

"You look beautiful." Toni said looking at Cheryl in her eyes

"Likewise, babe." Cheryl said with a small smile

Toni put the corsage on and everyone's parents started to take pictures. Yes, Avalon and Penelope were in the same room.

See, here's what happened...


It was about 7 o'clock at night when Mason felt the need for everyone to get along. He called Penelope and asked that she could come over. He told Avalon to get dressed because the "makeup artist were coming". Avalin got dressed and they sat in the living room.

After 30 minutes, there was a knock on the door. Mason opened the door and guided Penelope to their study. He told Avalon to follow after Penelope was in the room. Mason brought Avalon in and Avalon still didnt notice who it was, whereas, Penelope saw her enter the room.

She sighed because she knew something and things were going to be said that night. Avalon finally looked up and saw Penelope sitting in a chair with her face in her hands. She looked at Mason agitated and sat in the chair next to Penelope. And sat in the chair and Mason started to talk.

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