Chapter 13- Im Here

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It's a week after the incident and Toni's been at Cheryl's more than usual. Just a common thing shes kept in the back of her mind to do. It was currently Friday. They went to school and the gang knows about everything.  They support Cheryl as always and never asked her questions about it because it could possibly trigger another episode.

The day went pretty smooth. Theres been times when Cheryl would he sad. Not because of the situation, more of the simple fact that shes become clingy to her. Every second she can get with Toni is a relief to her. Being around Toni honestly does her some good justice.

They're at Toni's house now. The only reason they're at Toni's is because Penelope wanted Toni to be in her own bed this weekend. Toni had to get a new bed because the other one broke from a reason Ava still dont quite understand.

Cheryl was sitting at Toni's desk while Toni was on her bed doing homework. Cheryl started to get hungry and Toni could tell from her body language.

"You hungry?" Toni asked as she looked up smirking

"A little bit." Cheryl responded telling the truth, but not the whole truth

"A little?! It looks like you want to rip somebody's face off." Toni said while giggling a little bit

"I guess I'm hungry." Cheryl said playfully telling her eyes

"What you want to eat?" Toni asked as she put her pencil down on the bed

"Ummmm... how about vegan pasta?" Cheryl asked instead of just telling Toni

"What do you want for dessert?" Toni asked so she could know what to order

"I want.... I want to make dessert." Cheryl said happily

"What do you want to make?" Toni asked to figure out what she needed to get from the grocery store.

"Carrot cake cupcakes with vegan frosting." Cheryl said with a bug grin which Toni laughed at

"Okay, I'll order the food when we get back from the store. Put a jacket on." Toni said as she got up off her bed. Cheryl put her (Toni's) hoodie on and waited for Toni to put hers on.

They walked downstairs and they put their shoes on. They entered the car and drove to the grocery store. When they entered, a gust of chilly air hit then. They shivered a little bit then laughed when they looked at ome another. They were walking hand in had picking random things up and things they needed for dessert.

They were by the fridge and they were talking about lunchables.

"These are the best." Toni said pointing to the cracker, meat, and cheese lunchables

"Ewww, no. These are the best." Cheryl said pointing to the nugget lunchable

"Cheryl dear. That's not appealing to my tastebuds." Toni said sarcastically. Cheryl started talking. When she looked up she was looking at Toni until she saw Clifford, walking with his new girlfriend, or whatever he wanted to call it. She started to drift off into her own world and Toni started to pull her back.

"Babe." Toni said. No response.

"Babeeeee." Toni said again with no response

"Babe, what are you looook...." Toni said turning around as she laid eyes on Clifford. Her body jerked with emotions. Anger, sadness, and it was mainly anger. She was mad because he was the one to cause Cheryl pain. He cheated on Penelope, the most loyal adult shes met. Hes the one that caused everyone that had the Blossom last name pain.

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