"Tell me." Kurt answered with a smirk, clearly amused. He realized what was going on, and immediately looked shocked.

"Aw, screw that, I'm gonna show you." Burt decided, as Lexi laughed, sending Kurt a wink. "It was in the basement of our old house. You were wearing a unitard."

"Oh, God, Dad, please don't do this..." Kurt shook his head a little embarrassed.

"Sit down, and accept your present." Burt replied, refusing to take no for an answer. He turned to the band. "Hit it!"

As the three danced to Single Ladies, Lexi couldn't contain her growing smile, as Brittany smiled back at her. She noticed Sam in the balcony and sent him a smirk, before turning to glance at Kurt, who was embarrassed at first, but soon, all you could see was love in his eyes. The love he had for his dad.
Later that day, Kurt stood in front of the group, a small smile lighting up his face as he saw his friends in front of him. "I wanted to dedicate my goodbye song to all of you. But I wanted to mostly thank the men in the room who have truly inspired me and never saw me for the things that made us different. You only saw me for the ways that we're the same. Because in this room...It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight... What matters is that we're friends." He finished, as everyone smiled in return.

While he sang Madonna's I'll Remember, he made sure to acknowledge each of the boys individually. Lexi smiled, as she wiped her tears, while watching Kurt nod at Sam who sent him a proud smile in return. Sam chuckled, as he saw Lexi tearing up, and pulled her into his arms, while they enjoyed the rest of the song.
Lexi sat with Santana, Quinn, and Brittany on the bleachers after their final Cheerios practice. Although Lexi and Brittany would be returning, Santana and Quinn wouldn't be.

"I can't believe that was our final Cheerios practice." Santana commented.

"You get to do cheerleading in Louisville though, right? Think how amazing that will be." Lexi pointed out. She frowned however, when Santana shrugged.

"The truth is, I don't want to go." Santana confessed.

"Why not?" Quinn asked.

"You heard how Mercedes got a recording contract...she gets to move to L.A." Santana explained, as the girls listened to the Latina's rant.

"But she's also going to be taking extension classes at UCLA. Plus, she's a backup singer on an indie label. Yes, the video uploaded, caught a music producer's eye, and he wants to sign her. But you have to keep things in perspective." Lexi replied. "Her entire life in L.A, won't be just singing, at least for now."

"It's still incredible." Santana said.

"It is." Lexi nodded.

"And then Mike was originally set to go to Alvin Ailey, but then Joffrey school in Chicago offered him a scholarship." Santana continued.

"Yeah, and..." Quinn raised an eyebrow.

"While it's all amazing, and I'm happy for them, none of this good stuff is happening to me." Santana sighed.

"Santana, you should be a little proud of yourself. You got a pretty sweet scholarship for cheerleading. That's an accomplishment, you shouldn't belittle." Lexi added.

"I know...I just...I don't want the scholarship." Santana admitted. "I'm just as talented as Mercedes, Boy Chang, Berry or Lady Hummel. I deserve a chance to shine, right?"

"And we're not saying you don't." Quinn said.

"You're a star already." Brittany smiled softly, as Santana squeezed her hand lovingly.

More Then the Music (Glee Sam Evans Fan Fiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora