Stacaesar, Prince of Darkness

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???: Hodaka?! Hodaka!!

Hodaka's eyes opened slowly. His mind was going slow, so he couldn't process what was happening.

Hodaka: N-Nagisa...?

Nagisa: Hodaka! You're okay!

Hodaka looked around to see a stressed looking Zyuran, a panicking Gaon, a scared Magine, an equally panicked Vroon, Rikki and Kattanar flying in circles, and a furious Sato.

Hodaka: What happened...?!

Sato: It's Kyou.......

Hodaka: What are you-

Suddenly, it was all coming back to him. Kyou taking out the device and escaping with the Sentai Gears.

Hodaka: Kyou...... the Sentai Gears....! Kyou stole the Sentai Gears!!!

Meanwhile, somewhere else inside, Kyou was holding the briefcase in his hand. He arrived before a giant robot.

Kyou: I've brought the Sentai Gears, Boccowaus.

Boccowaus: It's Lord Boccowaus! Learn to respect your superiors! Anyway, perfect. Bring them to me.

Kyou put the briefcase in front of him and opened it up.

Boccowaus: Excellent..... excellent!!! With this, I can conquer all of the Animeverse! And the other Kikaitopia!

Kyou: Now that I've done it, will you-

Boccowaus: Yes, yes. I am a man of my word, so I will- wait...... GRAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boccowaus slammed down his one fist in rage.

Boccowaus: There's one missing! How do you explain that?!?!

Kyou: What?! But the Zenkaigers got them all! That's impossible!

Kyou looked inside the briefcase. His eyes widened with shock and fury. There was indeed one Sentai Gear missing.

Kyou: No...... NO!!!

Boccowaus: Go back and get that Sentai Gear!

Kyou: Fine. Whatever.

Kyou went back out the base. Two more robots appeared.

???: You guys sure he's gonna be okay?

???: Calm down, Barashitara. That Geartozinger I made for him will be of definite use..

Boccowaus: As long as I have something dear to him, he is mine to use.........

Meanwhile, back with the Zenkaigers, All were trying to pinpoint where Kyou was.

Sato: It's no use! The map cannot track humans! We have lost them.....

Hodaka: No, we need to split up and go every inch around the Animeverse! That way, we can cover more ground and increase our chances of finding him!

Magine: A-a-a-are you sure it'll work?!

Zyuran: Magine, have confidence in Hodaka. He'll know what to do.

Rikki: That's the leader for ya!

Hodaka: Great! Let's go!

(My Hero Academia)

Zyuran exited the portal and made a straight beeline for Class 1-A.

Deku: Oh! Zyuran sensei!

Kirishima: YOU'RE BACK!!!

Aizawa: Aye. What do you want, Zyuran?

Zyuran: Have you seen a guy running with a gun like mine and a briefcase?

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