Chapter 1: The Transference

Start from the beginning

There was a slight pause before Dr. Pollan responded, "We don't know, Mr. President. The storm's behavior is anomalous, to say the least. It's still following our mathematical models for now, so we can track and predict its path. However, based on the current rate of growth, we expect to lose contact with Hawaii in just over four hours. The interference from the storm will likely cut that down to two or three."

A chilling silence fell over the office. Lee could almost feel the weight of the impending disaster pressing down upon him, a sense of dread seeping into the air around him. He closed his eyes, taking a deep, steadying breath before turning to Steven.

"Steven, I need you to initiate the protocols for a national emergency declaration. Get the National Security Council here as soon as possible. Also, contact the FAA and order the grounding of all flights." He paused, his gaze drifting over to the wall clock. Every tick seemed to pass as if time had slowed down. "And tell Jan to ready my press team."

"Right away, sir." Steven turned on his heel and rushed out of the room.

Turning his attention back to the phone, Lee leaned back in his chair, one hand massaging his temple. "Dr. Pollan, any suggestions on our course of action?"

"Hunker down and hope for the best, Mr. President. Ever see 'The Day After Tomorrow'?" Pollan asked, her attempt at levity hanging heavy in the air.

Lee chuckled, the sound more bitter than amused. "Damn... it can't be that bad, can it?"

"I sincerely hope not, but it's best to prepare for the worst," Dr. Pollan replied, the faintest hint of concern creeping into her voice. "I advise that you mobilize all emergency services and ready the National Guard for disaster relief."

"Noted. I'll be making some calls now; keep me updated if anything new comes up, Dr.Pollan."

"Will do, Mr. President. Good luck," She ended the call with that somber note.

Alone now in the echoing silence of his office, President Lee slumped back into his seat, staring blankly at the wall. His thoughts whirled, trying to make sense of the unprecedented situation. Suddenly, the Oval Office felt much larger, the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders.

"Why me..." he muttered, gazing out at the setting sun, a red orb sinking into the horizon as though mirroring his sinking heart.


The world was engulfed in silence. The storm that had tormented their skies with ominous clouds and whipping winds had suddenly ceased, leaving behind a sunny blue sky. Was the worst finally over?

President Lee stood in the heart of the situation room, his face stoic, eyes scanning the illuminated displays. The room was bustling with activity, filled with high-ranking officials and experts - the nation's best minds working together in a bid to unravel the mystery. Their hectic conversations and bustle served as a stark contrast to the calm weather outside.

"Alright, folks. Let's gather ourselves," Lee's voice boomed, quieting the room. His eyes held a steady gaze that seemed to anchor the room amidst the disarray.

Dr. Mitchell Richards, one of his senior scientific advisors, spoke up first, his voice anxious, "The global communication blackout, the storm, it's all connected. We've lost contact with everything beyond our borders. The last signals we received before the blackout were panic-laden, implying the storm was not just localized here."

A shiver ran down Lee's spine. His mind was racing with scenarios, each more terrifying than the last. But he maintained a composed exterior; it was his responsibility to keep his team grounded.

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