Oceanic Eyes (Kai)

Start from the beginning

Once I collect myself and feel like I'm not going to puke again, I slowly get up leaning against the bathroom stall's wall to pull myself all the way up to avoid falling over. My legs are weak and trembling with fear, but I manage to make it the rest of the way to the nurse's office.

I barge in through the door of the nurse's office and begin my frantic search for Prue Miller, the school nurse.

"Oh my goodness! Kai..? What happened, are you alright? Was it Jake again? What did he do this time? Are you in pain? Where are you hurt?!" She begins interrogating me. I just give her a scared look before finding the nearest nurse bench to sit on. I end up feeling the nausea come back with a vengeance and quickly grab the small garbage can by the bed. Once I have it, I begin hurling up stomach acid, as I have already thrown up all my lunch.

"Oh Kai! What happened, Honey? Is everything okay?" She says once I've finished hurling my insides out into the can.

I look up at her and instantly calm down, seeing her beautiful auburn waves bounce at her shoulders as she begins changing the garbage can's bag, and her warm, dark brown eyes that always ground me when I'm anxious or scared. I give her a weak smile and hoarsely reply, "Everything is okay, I must have just eaten something bad. Nothing to worry about, Prue. I promise."

She doesn't look convinced, but I plead her with my eyes, silently begging her to move on to a different topic and let me just calm down in her presence. Prue has been here for me this past month since I've moved to Cherrywood with my new foster family. I've only known her for one month, but she is the closest thing to family I have. I first met her after Jake, the school bully, tripped me by the entrance of the school and I scraped my knees on the concrete. She knows about the struggles I have with Jake, but the principal doesn't seem to care whenever she brings it up to him. I try not to let her find out about when Jake and his goons bully me as to not worry her, but she usually finds out, especially if I need to get patched up, since she is the one to always fix up my injuries.

She looks me in the eyes with a determined glare, but eventually shakes her head and sighs in defeat. "Alright, but if I find out it was Jake again, I'm not going to be happy." She says in her stern, yet sweet and caring voice I've grown to love so much. She is like a mother figure and in a lot of ways, reminds me of my sister, Kelly. I wish Kelly could've met her. They would've gotten along great, I just know it.

I chuckle a little before looking up and giving her the best, fake smile I have. She can see right through my fake smiles, but I know she won't pry. She always respects my space, unlike my foster parents.

"Thank you, Prue. For everything you've done for me. I really appreciate it and I'm so glad I met you here, but you and I both know Jake isn't going to leave me alone. I promise you, though, that I'm not a mess right now because of Jake." I tell her while reaching out to embrace her. She ruffles my hair and sighs in defeat once again.

"I know sweetie, I wish I could do something to help. This principal is heartless, saying this school has zero tolerance for bullying, yet doesn't take action when bullying is evident! Anyways, how are your foster parents?" She asks as she hugs me back, engulfing me with her warmth. I hold back the tears welling up in my eyes as I say through another fake smile, "Everything is good, they're not so bad and I like this school."

She either, doesn't notice my fake happiness, or she puts it off as she ruffles my hair again. Thankfully. I think to myself as I pull away from her before the tears begin welling in my eyes again. I don't want her to know how horrible my foster parents are. She is too good to me to allow her to stress over something that doesn't concern her. I'm not her responsibility, I can handle my foster parents on my own. I don't want to be a burden on the only person I have that I truly trust. I don't want to worry her with my own problems.

"Okay, but come to me when you need to talk, alright? I'm always here for you, you know where to find me!" She says as she gives me her bright, warm smile that takes away all my worries, even for just a moment.

I weakly smile at her as I say, "Okay, thank you Prue."

"Of course, Dear! Now, let me write you a note to go home. You shouldn't stay at school while being this sick. You need to rest!" She says as she walks toward her desk to grab a pen and a pink slip from the drawer on the right side of her desk.

"I'll be fine! I swear, it was just something I ate. I shouldn't miss school for a minor issue like this. I'll be okay." I tell her through my feigned smile.

"Nonsense! Look at yourself. You're as pale as these bed sheets! Now come on, time for you to go home and get some rest. Just show this note to anyone who asks where you're going in the halls and then give it to your foster parents once you're home. Take care of yourself now, okay? I'll see you on Monday!" She walks me to the door and pulls me in for another hug.

I don't want to go home, but I know when Prue sets her mind to something, she always gets her way, regardless of what you say. I sigh in defeat as I hug her back and then give her a small smile and wave goodbye. "Thanks again Prue. See you Monday!"

Once out of the nurse's office, and away from Prue's sight, I finally let the tears fall. I continue to silently cry as I walk home. My vision is a bit blurry from the tears, but I can see the beautiful cherry blossom trees as I walk down the street. Cherrywood is known for their cherry blossom trees that grow pretty much everywhere around the town. I love cherry blossom trees, they're my favorite. I reach my hand up and slowly trace the area right behind my left ear where Kelly gave me that beautiful cherry blossom tattoo a week before she passed. I was only 14 at the time, but I kept begging her until she finally gave in. Kelly was a talented artist and wanted to become a tattoo artist. She was self-taught and was amazing when she had the opportunity to tattoo someone. She was only 18 then, but she was amazing.

I love art just as much as she did, but I doubt I'm near her level. I'm not interested in being a tattoo artist, but I love sketching in my free time. At break I usually hide out in the library on the second floor of the school. When I'm there, I'm usually either reading, sketching, or writing. The library also has a great view of the lacrosse field, so when looking through my sketchbook, you will most definitely find sketches of Trenton Wolfe. I can't seem to get him off my mind since I laid eyes on him last month. It was my first day and after getting my knees patched up by Prue, I found the library and sat at the secluded table by the window. When I looked out, he was playing lacrosse with his team and I couldn't help but stare. I soon started absentmindedly sketching him as he played in my sketchbook. I didn't even realize what I was doing until I heard the bell that notifies that break is over ring. I looked down and noticed I had filled four whole pages up with just sketches of Trenton. I didn't know why I was so drawn to him but now that I know we're mates it makes perfect sense.

I'm a bit sad to find out he is a werewolf; I honestly really like him. But I hate werewolves, they petrify me, and I don't think I can ever get over that fear. I must stay away from him, as far away as possible so he doesn't hurt me. I know I'm his mate, but that doesn't mean I'm safe from him harming me. I just hope he doesn't try to approach me, otherwise I'm going to run away out of fear, or throw up out of fear... possibly both. No, definitely both.

I shake my head to try and rid my thoughts of him to no avail. I sigh in defeat and continue on my way home. Hopefully, my foster parents are in a good mood today.

 Hopefully, my foster parents are in a good mood today

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