🦌 Chapter Thirty Four 🦌

Start from the beginning

After completing my work I changed into a pair of shorts, a tank top and sneakers leaving my house to go meet up with James. He told me he was at his parents compound helping build a new shed for their ever growing livestock. I didn't have the patience in me to wait until he went home later so I was driving there to talk to him.

Half an hour later I arrived at the compound and I alighted the car. Schools were closed for the holidays so I made sure to carry sweets for all the children. I did right because the beautiful smiles and thank yours that I was awarded made my day. I was happy to see that most of the kids were wearing proper clothes and shoes as compared to the first time I'd seen them. The positive impact I was making in the community was showing slowly and that delighted me. I passed by Naeku's hut to say hello where I found her and a few other women making jewelry for sale.

"Ah, my daughter, welcome."She greeted cheerfully and I squatted next to her on the mat.

"Hello mama, how are you doing?"I asked.

She had insisted that I call her mama after James and I had announced being official. I didn't object even though in real sense she was my grandmother's age.

"I'm doing good. You look beautiful as always. Are you here to see James?"

"Thank you and yes, where is he?"

"At the back. Walk towards the end of this row of huts and turn right. You won't miss him."She instructed.

"Thank you." I appreciated and got up dusting my knees as I followed her directions to find James.

Anytime James was working he was usually shirtless which appealed to the side of me that liked appreciating my very hot boyfriend. I was disappointed to find him in a grey tank top, his coveralls tied at his waist. He was working alone, repairing a few damaged posts in the run down shed. I wanted to stand and observe him but that would have to wait until I was done talking about what had brought me to him in the first place.

"Need any help there handsome?"I asked when I was close enough for him to hear me.

He turned around a little startled, probably because he wasn't expecting me and smiled when he saw me.

"Hi gorgeous and yes please. Did you happen to bring any towels with you? I need some wiping down."He joked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You should put that joke in your wedding vows."I replied sarcastically and his smile just got wider.

"I'm planning on it."He smirked pecking my lips.

Instead of egging him on I squatted and started picking up the nails he had knocked over putting them back in the empty can of paint that had been holding them.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you because I am but what are you doing here? I thought you had paper work today."He asked as he continued hammering around.

"Yeah but I missed you."I replied avoiding looking at him.

I was still buying myself time to figure out how to broach the subject of him spending Christmas with my family.

"I missed you too babe but seriously why are you here?"He asked seeing right through me.

I straightened up and approached him.

"Nervousness is my thing, find your own."He joked trying to break the tension and it worked because I chuckled.

"What are your plans for Christmas next week?"I asked looking up to meet his gaze.

"Nothing much, I usually spend it with my parents and siblings. I was thinking about you joining us or we can do our own thing, just the two of us."He replied.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now