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Minho and Jisung did just part ways. The older walked slowly home, listening to music and smiling to himself. Everything felt just right. He had never felt this way before. The way Jisung looked at him, to his smile and their conversation. Minho loved it.

All week had Minho tried to contact Hyunjin to tell him about the "date" but no reply. He was hoping for him to show up at school on Monday but he kinda lost his hope. It wasn't like him to be like this. With an empty head he went to sleep hoping to see him tomorrow at school.


The brown haired boy signed. He didn't see his best friend at school and the food today was disgusting. The noodles weren't even cooked properly. Minho really wanted to tell him about Jisung, because he was the only one here he could talk to about it. This sucked.

Minho was just gonna walk home. He had his bad on his back full off books and had his earphones in.


He turned around .

He smiled when he saw Jisung. "Hey there."

"Wanna take go to the roof with me?" The younger asked.

They walked to closet elevator since they didn't wanna take the stairs. Minho claimed the button waiting for the elevator. It slowly came to them. The first thing they saw in the elevator was a sweaty hand on elevator window.

"The fuck..." Jisung got out.

The door opened. They saw their principal Jay Park (shot as Jyp) pushing their language teacher up against the wall. Both of them looked like sweaty messes.

"Uhm..." Minho announced.

"Young boys." Jay park spoke trying to hide the blush on his cheeks. "If you tell anyone about this I will force you to clean the toilets all year." He left with Bibi running after him.

"Well, wanna come in?" Jisung asked. He stood in the elevator but Minho was still in shook.


This is short as fuck but I'm maybe gonna post later today if I feel better. Love you

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