Chapter 25

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Lili's POV

"Pranpriya wake up". I was awaken by a sudden tap at my right cheek.

"Wake up Lisa". I heard a familiar voice trying to wake me up.

"Lisa you have visitors". Aiiiigoo it was just early in the morning and now they're waking me up.

"Mom who the hell got some visitors in this early morning?". I asked still closing my eyes.

What I hate the most is being awakened when I am in a deep slumber.

Damn it.

"Get up and fix yourself. They are waiting for you". She still insisted.

"Tell them to leave mom. I am not expecting any visitors". I said, being annoyed now.

"That's not the right thing to do. Face them yourself or I will make it for you? You choose. We didn't raise you like that". She said with full of authority.

I can't argue with Mom when she uses her authority. Not just as a mother but as the house rule.

"Give me ten minutes mom". I said and got up from bed and take a bath.

I didn't wait for her answer cause I am not in the damn mood.

After I finished fixing myself I went downstairs to see a familiar figure.

Is this true?

"Yah jisoo-yah? Is it true? Wahhhh you didn't tell me you're going here? What brought you here unnie?". I asked her.

I was so surprised seeing her here.

What was gotten into her to fly here.

I was happy but what's with her face?

She looks so down and tired.

"U-unnie what's wrong? You looked so down". I asked but recieved no response.

"Lisa we need to talk". Chae came out from nowhere.


They are here.

My heart is pounding rapidly.

It may come out any minutes from now.

"Chaeyoungie. I miss you. What brings you here guys?". I asked but it seems like I was just the one who's happy that they are here.

Even mom and dad.

They looks so down and devastated.

What happened to this people?

I give chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie a hugged but they didn't hugged me back.

It feels like something's not right.

"What's with the face? Y'all making me nervous and confused at the same time". I am now starting to wonder:what is going on?

"Kim Jisoo. Roseanne Park. I'm sorry but you need to leave now. My daughter doesn't have any business with the reason why you came here. I'm sorry". My dad said in the middle of nowhere?

He said those words without the two still not telling why they are here?

"Dad they still not telling why they are here yet you're now telling them to leave? Dad have you forgotten they are my co-members. They are the person who's with me in the half year of my life". I said with furrowed eyebrows now.

What's happening? What the hell it's making me confused.

"MARCO. Leave them and let them talk". Mom uses her authority with Dad.

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