Chapter 24

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2 years apart 

Lili's POV

Seconds turned into minutes 

Minutes turned into hours 

Hours turned into days 

Days turned into weeks 

Weeks turned into months 

Months turned to years

It's been two years since I decided to give myself a break. Which is I did. 

But within those two years I can't say that I am now totally healed cause those years I couldn't help but to think of her.

I miss her 

I miss her every second of my life. 

I went home for my sake. For me to heal myself but what happened? I always think of her. I always felt pain. 

My heart is tired but it's so stubborn cause in every beat her name was on it.

Rosè fulfilled her promise to take care of her and send me a message about her. She sent me a message almost everyday but she stop two weeks ago. I didn't hear any updates about her this past two weeks.

Maybe she's now tired. Well who wouldn't get tired of me being a stubborn woman in her life. While they are busy helping me to heal here i am still suffering from pain.

Within those two years chae fulfilled her promise but me I didn't. I promised to heal myself but that simple request I couldn't make. 

I just prove her one thing "PROMISES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN". 

I am now two years apart.

Those two years I learned  to explore new things.

Read some books, write poetries, or just sit at the 

Window and have some coffee.

Spending my time with mom and dad is fun. They saw me as a happy person but little did they know that behind those smile is a pain that I tried to hide.

They didn't seem to notice cause I always pretend that I'm fine.

Is it now two years to late? Within those two years does she found someone? Does her relationship with Kai last long? If yes then who I am to stop them.

If loving the man she has right now can make her happy then do I need to give her up?

"Lisa? What's bothering you?" My thoughts drawn me again. I didn't know that dad is in front of me now.

"Tell me what's bothering you princess, daddy's here to listen". I sighed not wanting to open my wound. It's not totally healed yet.

"Dad what's the definition of love for you?". I hesitate to asked cause I don't want to open up. Especially to him. He made me brave and I don't want to disappoint him.

"Love is like a sand, within reach and now out of our hands. Try to grab a grain of sand, held it tight and those sand will escape your hands but if you held it loosely the sand will remain. That's what love is for me pran. Hold the person you love loosely for them not to get suffocate cause once you hold them tightly they'll get suffocate and just leave you behind". He looked into my eyes as his words slowly analyze by my mind.

"What's truly bothering you? When you got home you seems like you're not into yourself? What happened Lisa?". He asked when I refused to talk.

I faked a smile and faced him.

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