Chapter 22

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Christmas Eve

Lili's POV

Oh shoot! I forgot to message chaeyoung.

What the heck? Of all, messaging her was the first thing I forgot.

I'm dead.

I got my phone and composed a message for her.

             Got home safe ;) How's her??

               Pabo!!! I thought you won't text me anymore huh? I almost lost all my patience and was about to fly to Thailand.

                She's fine BTW :)

              YAH PARK CHAEYOUNG!! Stop being so OA. I'm sorry as well, I forgot to text you hehe. Mom talked to me, she knows everything. CHAENG MY MOM IS A JENLISA SHIPPER (・o・)


              ARA! I know that Mom is a JENLISA SHIPPER. You're just the one who didn't noticed it.

               Chaeyoungie don't forget the favor I asked you okay? Make her eat at the right time. Text me everything she'll do. And do not let history repeat itself. Do not let her go out at night.

                 Noted your highness. Just don't worry and focus on yourself. Heal yourself well and get back here sooner or later. MONKEY FIGHTING*\0/*

I was about to compose a new message when a knocked at my room's door interrupted me.


               Noted master. Gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye love you♥

I sent her a message and didn't wait for her response as I went to my door.

"Be ready. Your dad is already here. Get change we'll going now". Mom appeared in front of me as I open the door.

She didn't let me answer and leave me.

What a weird mom. I giggled and went back to my room.

To my room that is full of color yellow stuffs and a lot of pictures of blackpink and specially a lots of nini's cute pics.

I ready myself before my mind bring me to Dreamland again which is basically always happens.

I went downstairs and saw my dad sitting at the living room.

I was about to go to him when a furry creature brushing my skin.

W-wait what? The first thing I remembered, my babies are not here. Leo, Louis, Lily, and Luca was currently at Korea while the other two cats that is mine as well was at my grandparents house. Then who's this cute creature?

It's so cute.

I bend my knees so that I can pet it.

I brush and rub its fur with full of admiration.

"Love what you're seeing?". I didn't notice that dad is still there.

"Yes that. I love him. Who's cat is this?". I asked but my eyes are still on the cat.

"Actually it's a her. She's a girl. I bought it for you pran. I know that you love cats. That's why you love her". I looked at him with confused stare.

"I love her? Who's her dad?". I asked full attention with him now.

"You know what I am referring at". He said and winked at me.

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