I continued driving but I couldn't stop thinking about what Tommy said. 

No one cared about him

No one

Those words stuck with me the whole way.

I wanted to do something for Tommy, something special, something the 16 year old would remember

(I know he's 17 but it's for the plot I swear)

~Timeskip to when they arrive at Karl's house~7:00am~

I get to my house and I look at Tommy sleeping, clearly having a nightmare.

I pat him on the shoulder and he jumps up, breathing way too fast to actually get any breath in.

Once he calms down a bit I ask 




"Please don't leave me"

"I swear to you on everything I own, I will never, ever, leave you. Do you want to talk about the dream?"

I really hope he talks to me because I'm here for him but if he doesn't want to I would understand

"I will tell you because I want to get it off my chest but I'm trusting you so please don't tell anyone"

"I wont"

"I-I was in a car with my d-dad and I was wearing a dress. He pulled in the middle of no where and he just snapped. He beat me harder than he ever has before and called me names and slurs that hurt. When he was done he yelled me and told me that you g-gave up on me and that you hated me. Then when I objected he called you to prove you hated me and you told him to beat me ten times harder for all the pain I caused you. But the worst part was that he didn't kill me he just beat me, I was so close to death but I didn't actually die. Finally he looked at my wrists and my scars and beat me even harder than before. I'm so scared Karl please don't leave me. Please don't make me go back."

I was crying, balling my eyes out actually because I would never leave him.

"Tommy I wont leave you and I certainly wont tell your father to beat you harder. You are never, ever going back there and that's a goddamn guarantee. If he ever comes close to you again I'm gonna- nevermind. The point is, he's never getting too you again and he's never hurting you again." 

"Thank you Karl"

"You're welcome, now this is my building"

"It looks nice"

"Come on lets go inside" I say with a smile

I grab both of our luggage from the trunk


I just smile back

We walk up the stairs and I open the door

"Wow Karl your home is beautiful"

"Well now it's your home too you know? Do you want to see your room?"

"Yeah sure"

I walk down the hall and I stop in front of Tommy's new room

"Here it is"


I walk in the door and I'm blown away. There is a desk with a brand new PC and a black and gold secretlab gaming chair.

"Oh my fucking god Karl thank you so much."

I run into his arms and give him a hug. 

"That's not all"

"What do you mean that's not all? There's enough here, there is so much. You didn't have to do this, you got me out that's enough"

"Well not to me, so today we are going out for lunch wherever you want to go and then the same for dinner and finally tomorrow we are going clothes shopping. You are going to pick whatever you want and I'm going to pay for it"

"What? Karl that's too much money and you're doing way too much. I don't need any of that, you are here that is all that matters"

"I know but I would like to do this, I care about you. You deserve this all of this."

"No I don't" Tommy mumbled

"Tommy you are smart and funny and sweet and kind and you are one of the best people I know. You are amazing and I-I- I don't know what I would do with myself if you went back there. He told you things that aren't true, and I know one of the things he told you is that the only thing you deserve is the pain he caused you but that is wrong. That is obviously wrong because that is the only thing that you don't deserve, okay?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"No problem, now you should unpack the stuff that you have. Do you want any help?"

"No thank you"

"Alright i'll be down the hall if you need me and there's a glass of water on the table"

"M'kay thank you"

"No problem" I smile before going to my room

I lay down on my bed and shut my eyes for about 3 minutes before I hear a loud shatter coming from Tommy's room. I run upstairs and knock on his door...


thank you for 600 reads!

go check out @karlnap77 he has a good book

sorry this took forever lol i've had like 9 mental breakdowns in the past week 

dont forget to drink some water and eat something

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