The dream(14)

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TW//swearing//panic attack//abuse//knife//intrusive thoughts//

Karl's POV

"What are you considering?"

"Well, I'm considering opening that gift my mum got me for my fifth birthday"


"Yeah I mean she's gone now and I have a new home so there's no point in not opening it. I am gonna open it tomorrow"

"Tommy that is amazing I am so proud of you, that is progress"

"What do you mean?"

"That is progress, if you were back with your dad or even at Dreams you wouldn't have even considered doing this. Now you you feel safe, right? If we were at your dad's or even Dreams you probably would not have felt safe enough doing this."

"Oh my god you're right. I actually feel safe Karl thank you, thank you so much"

"Of course! You know, you have family now. You have me"

"Hmm. I guess you're right, I have family. That's a first"

"And I care about you, so does Sapnap and Wilbur and Jimmy and Chris and everyone else on the smp"

"Well not dream"

"Tommy he was overreacting and Sapnap gave him crap for it. He shouldn't have said that but he is sorry and if he's not then I'll kill him myself"

"Shit went dark really fucking quick"

We both started laughing and then ate.

~8:30~They're both done eating~  

"You ready?" 


"Ok just let me pay the bill"

"Wait I can pay"

"Tommy don't worry about it! After all I am older"

"How rudeeeee"

We both laugh

I pay and then we leave

We go into the car


"Yes Karl?"

"Can I umm adopt you"

"YES! Sorry I mean yes"

"Alright I have the papers I just need to file them"

"Thank you Karl"

"No problem"

"I don't have to call you dad do I?"

i chuckle a bit

"No of course not"

"Oh thank god because you are only like 9 years older than me"

We both laugh



"Can I get a white van? With no windows? I'll pay for it"

"What? No? That is so bizarre Tommy. I am going to regret asking this but what for?"

"I want to sell candy"

I burst out laughing

"How the honk are you keeping a straight face right now? I'm literally dying"

He starts laughing

"It's a legit business"

"What? Not in a white honking van"

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