Chapter 23

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A/N Hi Gladers! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while guys! Go ahead and cuff me! *Holds out hands* actually, don't, because I need to type in order to update! Haha! I cheated you! Anywhooooooo, the penguin of the day is: *grabs penguin from the snow* That me and my friends named the KFC guy fuckman. Maybe I'll tell you why one day, depending if you want to know or not. This chapericano is dedicated to @Newtgirl12 for being really supportive of this story! Thank you! Well, here's chapter vingt-trios! (Did I spell that right? Oh well, I don't like French that much anyway).


The next day seemed like all the other days. They all just passed in a blur of what seemed to be the same thing every day. Wake up, eat breakfast, go out lilly hunting if it's your day, if not just talk and relax, eat dinner, sleep. Yet something interesting happened on this particular day.

It was Thomas' team's turn to go look for the lilly. They had been walking for quite a while, with Thomas trailing at the rear. He was lost in thought. So lost, infact, that he walked straight into a small pond. He spluttered at tried to swim up, but it was as if something was pulling him down.

He looked at his foot in panic, only to see something that was a bright purple was shining through the clear water. It was like a tentical, and was latched onto Thomas' foot, pulling down more rapidly. Why is this lake so deep? Thomas thought, I'm going to run out of air soon.

Thomas' lungs gave up as soon as they hit the bottom of the surprisingly deep lake. And, even more surprisingly, he found that he could breathe. Gasping in shock, he saw that the thing on this leg had been one of the seemingly infinite number of lilies scattered on the ground. He guessed it did more than just heal you, and that's why he could breathe.

Gathering a few, he swam back up. He was being pulled at and questioned as soon as his head hit the surface. Newt was the first to walk over, an anxious look on his face. "What the bloody hell happened down there Tommy?!" He yelled, concerned. "You've been under there for ten minutes! We though we'd have to go and get your body from down there!"

Minho smirked at Thomas. "Ignore him. He's being the glade mother again." Newt just scoffed. "Well Newt, to answer you, I got pulled down by a purple thing that turned out to be one of the lilies!" Thomas said, holding the lilies forwards. Everyone gasped at the sight of them.

Newt looked shocked. "That's the lilies? I'm guessing there's more down there?" Newt asked. Thomas nodded. "They let you breathe under water too, so we can keep going back!" He informed the curious mix of Gladers, immunes and tribe members.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get some lilies!" Minho yelled, grabbing a lilly and diving in. The others did so too until everyone was in and gathering.


Teresa and her friends where just sitting and talking when they heard a sudden cry from the woods: "We found them! We found the lilies!!" They looked over to where the voice had come from, only to see Minho standing there, drenched.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran over to him, Amy at the front. She ran up to him and hugged him, not caring that she was getting her shirt wet. He hugged back and put an arm around her. Once everyone had gathered, he explained how Thomas had found them.

"So, we need most people to come with us. A few should stay and watch the children though." Minho told the crowd. Most of the children whined but walked away obediently. "Amy, I want you to stay here. Oh, and Emily, Teresa and Marie, you're loverboys have also requested that you stay. So yeah, no arguing. Stay put." He told them, kissing Amy's nose.

Once Minho had rounded up most of the people willing to go and help, they set off through the woods, hoping that the could still find there way there and back.


Well, they finally found it, all because of Tommy's inability to pay attention! Take that teachers, daydreaming CAN be useful! Well, I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Comment what you thought, private message me suggestions for the next one!
Love you all, my dedicated little fandom members!
- LivingLovelyLies

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