Chapter 1

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Listen up,
I wrote this when I was 11. You have been warned.
-Future Emma


Author's Note - Hey Guys! I didn't really like the ending of the Death Cure (as I'm a Thomesa shipper) so I'm going to try to write a fanfic were A) Brenda died instead of Teresa and B) Newt was actually immune so he didn't die. Also The Maze Runner doesn't belong to me obviously so yeah. It all belongs to James Dashner as well as all the characters (apart from a few I'll make up later on). So yeah. Here we go!


Thomas sat in the tall tree in the middle of the forest. It had been 7 days since they had arrived in this paradise, and he kept thinking over what had happened. Brenda being crushed by the ceiling after pushing him out the way was the thing that sprang to mind the most. He really couldn't process that she was gone. After they came through the flat trans, he ran off into the forest and hadn't seen the others since. He wondered if they'd looked for him. He wondered how Teresa had reacted to them not finding him.

Teresa. She was another thought he just couldn't get out of his mind. He finally felt that he could forgive her for what she'd done in the scorch. With a week of alone time to think, he decided that it wasn't her fault and that she'd only done it because of what she thought would happen to him.

He suddenly heard a twig snap from behind him, followed by footsteps. He turned around, trying to see through the leaves. He saw Newt and Minho walking through the clearing. They kept looking around them as if they expected, or perhaps hoped, that something would happen.

"Tommy! Tommy! Are you there you shank? Come on! It's been a week!" Newt yelled. Minho put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "It's hopeless Newt." He said. "It's getting dark, the others will be worried if we're not back soon."
Thomas tried to conceal himself. He needed more alone time. He needed to think. It wouldn't help to get dragged back to where people would constantly be trying to get him to talk.

As they were turning to leave, a cough itched at Thomas's throat. He tried to smother the sound but it echoed in the silent forest. The two friends whipped around and stared at the tree.

"I swear I head someone cough! It wasn't you, was it?" Newt said, hope filling his voice. "I heard it to. It wasn't me. It came from up there." Minho pointed at the tree where Thomas sat. Although he was concealed from one side, if Newt and Minho came around the other side of the tree he would be spotted. There was nothing he could do but hope they would walk away.

No such luck. Minho jogged around to the other side of the tree and his eyes landed on Thomas. "THOMAS. WHAT THE HELL?!" He yelled at him with anger. Newt ran over to Minho. "Come down now! Do you know how long we've been searching? Why didn't you come back? And why are you sitting in that bloody tree?!" Thomas sighed. He knew this would happen. He climbed down the tree and walked over to them.

"Well Tommy, you gonna answer us?" Newt said. Thomas sighed. "The grief got to me too much. I ran out here to have some time to think to myself." Minho and Newt looked at each-other and sighed. "Well we've had half the place torn down looking for you. We thought you were dead. And that bloody girlfriend of yours is on the point of hysteria. But I get your point. Come on, we have to go back." Newt said

It gave Thomas grief to think that they had been looking for him. And also that Teresa had been worried about him made his decision to forgive her easier to accept.

They walked in mostly silence. After about half an hour they saw light up ahead. People were gathered a bright fire, eating apples and other fruit Thomas could only assume they got from the forest. Minho yelled out to them. "Oi you lot, guess who we found?" They all turned and there faces lifted up when they saw Thomas. Frypan, Gally, and Aris came running down the hill to meet them.

"Thought you were dead." Huffed Frypan, out of breath. Thomas smiled slightly at everyone. "Well I'm not. I've just been thinking." Aris met his gaze. "Your thinking sessions must take a long time then I'm guessing?" He playfully punched Thomas in the arm. Gally simply looked at Thomas with an unreadable expression. "You should probably head over to that shack over there. Teresa's sitting in front of it. She's refusing to talk to anyone." He pointed to a shack up the hill.

Thomas stared his walk up the steep hill, the other deep in conversation behind. When he got to the top he got a few remarks from the others, like "Glad you're alive." Or "Back so soon?". He ignored those, continuing to walk towards the little shack in the distance.

Just as Gally had said, Teresa was sitting in front of the shack, facing away from him. He sat down next to her, taking in her beautiful appearance. She seemed to get more and more radiant each time he saw her, awing him with every breath. Her eyes were closed.

"Go away Newt." She said "I told you I want to be alone." Thomas stared at her. "It's not Newt..." Her head snapped up, her eyes widening. But before Thomas could react, he was lying on the ground being punched.

"Don't! You! Ever!" She said, a punch inbetween each word. "Leave! Like! That! Again! I! Was! So! Worried!" She finally stopped. He sat up. Her punches had hurt, yes, but he knew they were only a reaction caused by what she had been through.

And that's when she broke down, sobbing on her knees. Thomas moved forwards and hugged her tight, and she retuned the hug.

"I'm sorry, just... Please don't do that again Tom." She whisper into his shoulder.

"I won't. I promise you, Teresa."


Chapter two coming soon!

Let Me Love You - A Thomesa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now