Chapter 7

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A/N Hello Gladers! I'm really loving writing this, I can't seem to stop because I keep getting ideas. Well, here you go!


That night, as all the Gladers slept, Teresa felt a hand go over her mouth. She struggled to get free as whoever it was pulled her down the hill and into the forest. There was a knife against her throat and Teresa was scared for her life.

Eventually her capturer stopped and said "Now Teresa, I'm going to take my hand away from your mouth. If you scream, I will slit your throat. Kapeash?" She nodded, and the person moved it. She stayed silent. They walked in front of her, still keeping the knife to her throat.

"Aris." She whispered. He had a borderline disturbing smile on his face that send shivers down her spine. "That's right T, it's me. You're probably wondering why you're here."

"You see, I've been working for WICKED under cover. Think I did a pretty good job, huh? Anyway, you think you and your pretty little friends are free here? No. This is phase four of the Trials." Teresa was shocked. "But, how-" he cut her off. "I'm the one talking here. Anyway, this place is basically a death trap. Different challenges await everyone here. They need their leader. You remember who their real leader is, right?" Teresa did remember. All the signs saying "Thomas, you're the real leader" in the Scorch were hard to forget.

"Well, we consider you a distraction to him. He needs focus, and you're preventing that. I suggested we just kill you, but Ava thinks that then Thomas would completely shut down. So we need you to do what you did for us before. Ignore him." Teresa shook her head. "No Aris. It broke him last time. I don't want to have to do that to him again." "Let me rephrase that." He put the knife closer to her throat. "You ignore him, or we kill you. Oh, and one more thing."

"Remember when we said we removed the swipe? Well, we did, but not the actually thing in your brain that lets us control you. If you talk to Thomas, be prepared for pain. And if you do it continuously, it won't just be you who has their brain fried. That's all. So basically, ignore Thomas and don't repeat what I just said to anyone." And with that, he walked away.

Teresa broke down. How could she do that to Thomas again? He was so mad at her last time, and yet so sad and helpless and the same time. And this place was a Death Trap? What's that supposed to mean? She guessed she would find out soon enough.

She walked back up the hill and sat by the apple tree deep in thought. Next thing she knows, she sees Thomas walking up to her. "Hey, Teresa! I was looking for you!" She looked down, trying to ignore him. As he got closer, Teresa just stood up and jogged away. But Thomas was on her tail. "Teresa, wait! Stop! Why are you ignoring me?" The hurt was laced in his tone, trying to be covered with humour but failing. Tears formed in her eyes and threatened to spill over. She was full on sprinting by this point.

She ran towards a tree and started to climb, fast. She got to the top just as Thomas came running into the clearing. "Teresa? Where are you?" He looked around him and eventually turned away. Just as he was about to leave the clearing, he mumbled "Seems like I'm always the one people like to hurt."

Once again, she cried.


Oooooohh! Drama! Tell me what you think of the chapter! What do you think will happen? What did Aris mean by 'Death Trap'? And the question you all want answered, what is my real name? (Jk no-one cares)
Thanks for reading!
- LivingLovelyLies

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