Chapter 25

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A/N I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!!! I have had mega writers block recently!! Sooooo sorry I haven't been updating! Hope you can forgive me :( How's your lives? Mine is pretty great, besides the guilt I have because I let you all down. On a lighter note....... The penguin of the day is that I go to Girl Guides! It's a bit like Girl Scouts I guess, with camping, badges, and other jazz. Ages 13 and up. This chapter is dedicated to @SheilaHernandez22 for being a comment master! YOU HAVE MASTERED THE ART OF COMMENTING, YOUNG ONE!! So, here is chapter 25!


Thomas stood in the large bathroom, staring at his reflection. He was clean from the river water and the sweat from hours ago. Since then, WICKED had taken them, rather forcefully, to different rooms, ignoring Teresa and Thomas' protests at being separated. He didn't know where the others were, but he wanted to find out.

He'd had a shower, the soap smelling, strangely like the lillies they had collected. Thomas headed out of the room to get changed. Once he was out, he could see there was a set of clothes on his bed that hadn't been there before. A black shirt, black jeans, grey sneakers (A/N That American word tho #Trainorsforever) and a black hoodie.

He changed quickly and trying to open his door, surprised when it opened. Funny, he thought. I was sure it was locked earlier. Stepping outside, he closed the door quietly. Beyond him was a large white corridor, littered with doors. Since he didn't know where any of them lead, he just kept walking forward.

He soon reached a door at the end of the hall labeled "MEETING ROOM". Thomas opened it slowly, being sure not to make a sound. But it turns out it was for nothing, as the room was deserted. He walked into the room and noticed that the white-washed walls were smeared in a dark red liquid that was dripping onto the floor.

With a horrible realisation, he realised that it was blood. Thomas gagged and rushed over to one of the many nearby trash cans. He only noticed that nothing had come up and that he'd been dry-heaving once the gagging stopped. Unfortunately, that's when he noticed the smell.

The room stank like death. Thomas covered his nose with his sleeve and, upon noticing a bright yellow door, headed towards it. He got through just as he felt his lungs would collapse.

And then he was falling. Falling through a seeming endless hole, to be exact. His screams were drowned out by others, the ones of his friends mainly. But Teresa's voice shone out among them all. She was screaming for Thomas to help her, save her, do something. But all Thomas could do was fall.

And then he felt his body being jerked violently around, as if someone was shaking him. He realised the falling sensation was gone, but the dizziness remained. He opened his eyes and saw a hospital room, and he shuddered when he saw that the walls were the same pristine white as the ones in his (what he now assumed was a) nightmare.

Standing over the bed was Teresa, her eyes worried. She hugged him fiercely when she saw he was awake. "Tom, thank God you're awake. The nurses said you must have found a way out if your room and collapsed on the floor in the corridor. They let me visit you, but only me. The others are in the main hall. You started shaking a lot just now, and you looked like you were ready to scream. Are you okay?!" She asked in such a rush that it took his brain a few seconds to process everything she had said.

"I guess I'm okay. Kinda dizzy though. Are you sure that I passed out in the corridor and not in any of the rooms?" He asked, slightly puzzled by what was and wasn't a dream. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Why?" She asked him. Thomas told her about his dream. Once he was finished, she looked just as confused as he did.

"You're brain probably was just filling in the blanks of what happened." Teresa told him. "It's okay anyways, because we're all alright, Tom." She held out her hand for him to hold, and he squeezed it thankfully. And they sat like that, in comfortable silence, for the next few minutes, just enjoying the peace.

But all the peace ended when a lady with light blue hair tied up in a neat bun came into the room, her WICKED badge shining brightly on her soldiers uniform. She smiled at them. "You guys ready for your flying lesson?"


Once again, so sorry this took so long to go up! But I hope you liked the chapter anyways :) comment what you thought, private message me any suggestions for the next one.
Until then my Gladers,
- LivingLovelyLies

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