Chapter 11

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A/N hey y'all! How ya doing? Cause I'm feeling great and ready to update! Wow, that rhymed. I should be a rapper. Anyway, most of the comments on this story are like "Please update I need more WHY WON'T THE SHUCK-FACE UPDATE?!" And I don't mind this, but feed-back on how I'm doing with the story keeps me motivated to write more! And silent readers, I just don't feel like you're there! Believe me, I am happy about this book though. 2K already?! You guys are shucking awesome! Anyways, sorry for the long authors note. Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to @Stiles42 for being the first one to comment on this story! She made me want to keep on writing! Without further ado, here is chapter 11!


As they headed through the forest, Thomas wondered how the other immunes would react to a whole tribe of other people there for the same reason as them. They would probably not trust them. Then again, neither Thomas nor Teresa trusted them yet either. In fact, he was shocked they had been so open after they introduced themselves.

They passed the river and were at the base of the hill. As they slowly climbed up, people stopped whatever they were doing and stared at them. Thomas lead the group to where Minho was standing, arms folded.

"Oh hey Thomas, how was your day? Anything interesting happen?" He said sarcastically, looking directly at the leader."First off, I don't know who they are. I found them pointing weapons at Teresa, and when I came they did the same to me. They then backed off and told us to lead them here." Thomas summarised. "And what makes you think we can trust them? They could be Phyco Ninjas. Or Crazy ex-military." Said Minho doubtfully.

"I don't know if we can trust them or not right now. I just think we should give them a chance to explain." Thomas said. He turned to Jessica. "Are you the leader of them?" She nodded. "Then explain why you're here to all of us then. After that, we'll tell you how we're here." Minho told her.

As a bunch of them sat down, while others went back to work, Jessica told them their story. "Well, we used to be a normal village in the mountains. That was until WICKED came and took us prisoner. Only the teenagers. For what reason, we do not know. We were kept in prison cells for a year, and then one day they took a few of us away somewhere. The others are who you see here. They knocked us out and we woke up in this place. We've been here for 6 months. We've set up a village about a mile west of here."

Those who had been in the maze then told the tribe what had happened to them. After that, the questions came.

"Are there others?" Minho asked. "Back at your village?" Jessica nodded. "About 40 others. How about we take a few of you back there?" Minho and Thomas looked at eachother and nodded. "How about we take 15 over there? Any volunteers?"

They had gathered a few people to go there, including Thomas, Minho, Newt, Teresa, Aris, Brenda, and Jorge. They set off west, trudging through the thick canopy of leaves and branches. They had been walking for about 10 minutes when Jorge started muttering "How much further?" "5 minutes or so." Aris answered. A few people stopped and gave him a questioning look. "How do you know that?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, J-Just guessing." Aris stuttered. Thomas walked ahead and caught up with Minho and Newt. "Okay, that does it. Something's up with that boy. And Teresa. Something tells me she's in on whatever it is. And we need to find out what." Newt stated. They all agreed.

They came to a gap in the trees and saw it. In the clearing in front of them, a huge bear-like creature dwelled. Except, this bear was grey, and five times the size of any of them. It stared at them, and they stared back. No-one dared to blink. "Everyone back away slowly. Don't do anything stupid." Whispered Minho calmly. They started walking backwards, not even a breath heard, when suddenly, someone stepped on a twig.

The creature snapped into action, large, sharp claws showing, teeth sharp as knifes. It roared and tackled one of the tribe members to the ground.

"Bill!" One of the others yelled, and they started pulling him away from the bear. "I think It's angry! And I think we should run!" Newt yelled. When no-one moved, Thomas bellowed "RUN, SHUCKFACES, RUN!" That seemed to wake them up, Thomas thought as people ran away, screaming.

The bear pounced on someone trying to get away. It snapped the persons neck before clawing Minho in the side. It swiped at someone else's leg, hard, leaving them screaming in pain. The bear then turned to Thomas. He could have sworn it grinned at him before leaping on to him, scratching his chest and arms. It had just got to his neck when a yell came from beside him, and the bear was thrown off Thomas.

Newt and Minho were currently beating the crap out of the bear while Thomas curled up in agony. He was losing blood, fast. He could hardly breathe. Thomas thought to himself 'This is the end.' And he was sure if it. He could see someone beside him, holding his hand, begging him to stay with them. The person was hazy, but he could tell it was Teresa.

She was ignoring the blinding pain that erupted through her head. She had seemed to overcome it, to her shock. Tears streamed down her face as she watched the person she loved start to slip away from her. "Please." She muttered. "Don't die on me."

Thomas used the strength he had left to put his hand up to her face. "We'll be okay Teresa. We'll be okay." He managed to choke out, before the world went black.


Oh snap! Did Thomas just die? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Guess you'll just have to wait and see. Mwahahahaha. I'm evil. I'm sorry. Hoped you liked this chapter, Gladers! Sorry I took a while to update! Do you think I should have an updating schedule? Tell me in the comments. Private message me suggestions for the next chapter if you want to!

Thanks for reading!

- LivingLovelyLies

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