Chapter 4

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A/N nice to see you peoples! Here is chapter quatre!


Once Thomas and Minho had finished their play fight, Minho said "Come on! I can smell breakfast!" He lead the way all the way up to the top of the hill and over where people were eating bacon. Thomas assumed that they had found a pig while hunting. Did they hunt?

He joined the que with Teresa and Minho while others in the line smirked at them. After they had been served Newt walked over and tutted at Thomas and Teresa. "Naughty children! No make-out sessions without me or Minho's permission!" Teresa blushed. "Slim it Newt." Thomas muttered.

Newt laughed. "It's still funny whenever you use our slang." He explained to Thomas' judging look. And with that, him and Minho walked away, looking as if they were about to argue over another meaningless topic again. Thomas and Teresa looked at each-other and sat down. "I hate them sometimes..." Thomas murmured. Teresa raised her eyebrows "come on, you know you don't mean that. They're your best friends!" Teresa said, laughing a little. "True." He responded.

"I want to show you something." Thomas told Teresa. "Follow me." He took her hand and walked with her to the edge of the forest, looking determined. Together, they headed into the woods. Thomas seemed to know exactly where to go, and turning this way and that effortlessly. After about ten minutes they stopped and Thomas put his hands over Teresa's eyes.

"Trust me. Just a few steps to go." He told her. "Here we are." He removed his hands and she gasped. Up ahead was a giant waterfall that fell into clear crystal waters. There were beautiful flowers growing all round the place and there was even a small beach-like area by the water.

"It's beautiful!" She exclaimed, her eyes scanning her surroundings. He grinned "I found this place when I first left. It's good for some alone time." Teresa stood up. "Well, I think it's about time. We deserve a break after what WICKED done to us. Is there-"'

Her sentence was cut off as she tripped backwards and into the void between the cliff and the water. She screamed as she fell faster and faster, before splashing into the water below.

"TERESA!" Thomas yelled, and frantically started to race down the giant sand slope a few meters to the left. He pulled his socks and shoes off and started to swim off into the water. This seemed to trigger a memory of his, a conversation between him and Teresa about swimming. According to the memory, he was an excellent swimmer. But Teresa... Not so much.

As he neared the spot where she fell, he couldn't see any trace of her. He dived down and started looking.

It took him a full minute before he finally saw her. She was lying on the murky sand at the bottom of the lake. Her eyes were closed and she look, almost, peaceful. He was running out of air fast so he quickly grabbed her and started pulling. He broke the surface of the water soon after, gasping for breath.

He dragged her on to the sand and she started to cough. Thomas's eyes lit up as he gave her a bone crushing hug. "I thought you were dead!" He said, talking quickly, a relived tone clear in his voice. "Be more careful next time before you decide to go backwards cliff jumping." Her breathing calmed and she returned the hug.

"Well that was scary. I thought I was as good as dead." She replied. "Thank you." She tried to stand up, but collapsed onto her knees, taking a sharp intake of breath. Thomas picked her up bridal style and started to carry her back to where all the others were. He still had to find out what the others called it. Paradise? The New Glade?

"Tom, do you think it's possible to have one day without drama is this world?" Teresa asked him. He laughed. "Oh, come on, you know the world hates us."

They reached the main area where they sat down and attempted to have a normal conversation.

Suddenly, Newt ran up to them. "Can you guys come help us with carrying things? There is a whole load of wood over there, put it over next to the shack. Thanks." He ran back off.

Teresa and Thomas set work, collecting and depositing as instructed, leaving the wood beside where himself and Teresa had reunited a day ago. It seemed longer to him.

Once they had transported all the wood they sat down and watched some of the younger ones play tag. "I used to love that game." Teresa said happily. Thomas thought for a minute. "Well, why don't we join them?" She smiled as they walked over and joined the kids in their game, Thomas pretending to be slow so the kids standed a chance.

They all where out of breath (with Thomas as an exception)  by the end of the game, and happily sat, watching the clouds move by, feeling at peace.


I love writing this guys, any ideas for the next chapter?

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