Chapter 17

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A/N Hiya Gladers! How are your shuck faces today? I hope good. Cause I'm pretty great myself :) I have an idea. How about I tell you little facts about me in every chapter in the authors note? I'll start now: my favourite colour is violet, or lavender (so basically purple). This chapter is dedicated to @MarieAngliqueDelacro for always commenting (seriously, you are everywhere in this stories' comments!) Well, here we gooooooooooo!


Teresa woke up at dawn. At first she freaked out because A) she didn't know where she was, and B) someone's arm was around her waist. But after a few seconds, she realised that Thomas was the one cuddled up to her, and that she was in her and Thomas' house. Their house. It felt good to say that, or think that on this occasion.

She slowly climbed out of bed, careful not to wake up her sleeping beauty of a boyfriend. She turned around as she was about to leave the room, and had to contain her awwwwws. Thomas had a cute frown on his face, and was feeling around on the bed, eventually grabbing and pillow and cuddling it, his snores resuming.

Once she was showered and dressed, she creeped back into their room. Thomas was still asleep. She grinned to herself mischievously and stood up on the bed. Teresa started to bounce up and down until a sleepy Thomas rose his head.

"Hey, Ter. Do you mind stopping that?" He poked her leg. She sat down and poked him back. "Wakey wakey sleepy-head, half the down's probably dead!" She said, pulling him up. He groaned. "Fine, I'll get up." He stood up and walked over to the door. "Oh, by the way, the bathroom's the furthest door to the left. Next to that is a closet room, half girl clothes, half boys. It's awesome. Anyway, clothes are in there." Teresa informed him.

Thomas nodded and walked out of sight. Teresa sighed slightly. I wonder why he picked me, she thought to herself. It was common knowledge that half the girls in the paradise had a crush on Thomas. She wondered why, out of all those girls, who were much prettier that her, he would pick her. She knew one thing though, and that was that she loved Thomas. She loved him more than she had ever loved anyone before. And she needed to tell him.

Teresa sat on the bed, waiting for Thomas. A few minutes later, he came in. "Hey, Teresa, Should we-" he was cut off my Teresa running up to him and pressing her lips against his. He kissed back, pulling her closer to him. They continued until they couldn't hold their breath any longer, and broke apart, staring into each others eyes.

"I love you Tom. I love you more than anything in the world." Teresa whispered. "I love you too Teresa. You're the most beautiful person I have ever met, both inside and out." Thomas whispered back, pulling a loose strand of hair behind her ear. They heard a few quiet gasps and giggles coming from the window.

They looked at eachother, confused. They heard footsteps running away, but when the looked out the window, they saw nothing. "Well, that was weird." Stated Teresa. "Yeah," agreed Thomas, " But we'll worry about that later. Lets go get breakfast."

They held hands and walked over to the Food Hall, taking a seat with Newt, Minho, Gally, Emily, Marie and Amy. Teresa nudged Thomas. "Looks like we're awesome matchmakers." She whispered, Thomas laughing quietly. It appeared that Amy was dating Minho, Marie was dating Gally, and Emily was dating Newt.

Once they had eaten breakfast, Amy looked like she was about to burst, along with all the others. Not because they ate to much, but as if they were hiding something. Finally, she burst out laughing, setting off everybody else.

Thomas and Teresa exchanged confused looks. "What are you guys laughing at?" Thomas asked. Emily answered him in-between giggles. "We were spying on you guys. We saw you guys confess your love to eachother, and it was adorable by the way." Thomas looked annoyed, but amused. "Who's idea was this?" He asked then. Everyone pointed to Minho, including himself.

"Why am I not surprised." Thomas stated, putting his head in his hands, Minho sniggering. "Love you too, Tommy-Boo." He cooed, making kissy faces at a disgusted Thomas.

"Alright, alright." Newt said, calming them down. "Minho, Thomas, Gally, come on, we're on search duty today for the lilly. Your day is tomorrow, ladies. Bye girls, bye Emily." He kissed Emily's hand, making her blush slightly. And with that, the boys walked off to meet the others on search duty for that day.


Some feels in the chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed, comment what you thought, private message me any ideas for the next chapter!
See you soon, fellow Thomesa shippers!
- LivingLovelyLies

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