Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to The Brenda Hate Club

Hi Gladers! I learned how to make a paper aeroplane today! I'm proud of myself. Today's random fact about me is that I have dark green eyes. This chapter isn't dedicated to one person, but a bunch. The Brenda Hate Club. The club was formed by me in @JunjunWang's story 'The Last Year of School- A Thomesa fanfiction' in a comment on the chapter 'science'. The members are me, @JunjunWang, @MarieAngliqueDelacaro, @greenie_in_the_glade and @primsbraids. So basically this chapter is dedicated to all these people :). Well, here's chapter 19!


After a while, Thomas and Teresa headed back to the hill. The sky was bright with stars. At least we know these are real, thought Thomas. His and Teresa's hands were intertwined, both of them swinging them every so often.

Once they got back, they saw Newt frantically looking around as if looking for someone. Once his eyes landed on the lovers, he ran over. "Hey Tommy, I need you. Well, I guess he does." Said Newt hurriedly. "What do you mean?" Asked Thomas.

"It's Minho. He's gone and broke his bloody leg." He said. Teresa gasped. "How? Is he okay?" Newt nodded. "He'll be fine. He's tougher than all of us combined." "How did it happen, anyway?" Thomas wondered aloud. "Well, he said he was spying on Marie and Gally, but he couldn't get a good look. So he climbed the apple tree, but the branch he was on snapped." Newt explained.

"Come on, he's with the Med-Jacks." Newt said, leading them over to the building. Once they went down the maze of corridors, they came to a door with the number 250 on it. "I've always hated that number. Don't know why." Said Newt.

They entered to find Minho lying in a hospital bed, Amy holding his hand. They looked up when they heard the door open. "Thomas! Newt! Teresa! Hi!" He yelled excitedly. Amy laughed. "Calm down Minny." The three others smirked while Minho blushed slightly. "Yeah, calm down Minny." Cooed Thomas.

Minho glared at him. "I may have a broken leg, but that doesn't mean I can't throw a punch." He said threateningly. "All right boys, slim it." Newt interrupted. They both shut up. Amy walked over to Teresa, the two friends chatting happily.

Thomas grabbed a chair and sat next to Minho, Newt doing the same. "Did you really break it because you were spying?" Thomas asked, getting a nod in reply. "Well, don't you think you should stop spying on people?" He asked. "Nah, it's fun. I just leaned out to far trying to get a good look. But I've found some binoculars in the hospital closet, so I'm fine!" Minho said enthusiastically. Newt and Thomas just shook their heads.

They stayed and talked for an hour before eventually deciding to head back to their homes. Newt headed off to his home with Emily, Amy stayed with Minho, and Thomas and Teresa walked back to theirs.

They got changed and went to bed, Teresa curled up in a ball. Thomas soon drifted off, but was woken up again in the middle of the night by screaming.

He heard it straight away, piercing, coming from right next to him. He sat up and looked around groggily. He saw Teresa wiggling around on the bed, screaming and kicking, muttering. Thomas shuffled over to her and shook her.

"Teresa! Wake up! It's just a dream, it's okay!" He said. She eventually woke up, her screams becoming whimpers. Thomas pulled her into his chest, stroking her hair. "Nightmare?" He asked. She nodded. "It's okay, I'm here now." He soothed. She cuddled up to him, his arms around her waist.

"Wake me up if you get any more." Thomas told her. But she was already falling back to sleep, feeling safe in his arms.


Why can't book boys be real boys? *cries*. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Comment what you thought, private message me any suggestions for the next chapter.
Love you all!
- LivingLovelyLies

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