Chapter 22

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A/N Helloooooooo fangirls and fanboys! Welcome to back to my story! I have loads of songs stuck in my head, including (no copyright intended):
- Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
- She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds Of Summer
- Not Fair by Lilly Allen
- Irresistible by Fall Out Boy
- Go Gentle by Robbie Williams
- Diana by One Direction
So yeah.... I basically have a part of my brain that constantly plays music. Kinda like Dan and Phil. Anyway, The penguin of the day is that I have an inappropriate sense of humour. But luckily, so do my friends. So I get on fine :). This chapter is dedicated to @TeaCupQueen for being, well, a Queen of comments :). And I want to know, what other fandoms are you in? No spoilers in the comments! But I'm in The Hunger Games, The Fault In Our Stars, Harry Potter, and obviously The Maze Runner fandoms. But I'm currently reading The Mortal Instruments series (i'm on book two). Wow, that was a long authors note. Anyway, here is Chapter 22!


As Thomas and Teresa headed for dinner, holding hands, Minho and Newt ran up to them. "Hey my shanks! Just to let you know, we're gonna have a campfire and play some games! Make sure you come along, it'll be fun!" Minho said excitedly. Newt smiled at him slightly. "Yeah, you should come. All our friends will be there- don't worry, the bloody bitch crew won't we there." He sniggered slightly.

"Okay, we'll come." Teresa said, speaking for them both. "It sounds fun anyway." So they then proceeded to walk to the food hall together, chatting about what to do that night. Once they had piled up their plates with the strange but tasty meat Frypan had provided, they sat down at the furthest table possible from Brenda and Crystal.

"Hey, I was wondering something Thomas." Minho said, smirking at Thomas. "What?" He asked, taking a drink of water. "Have you and Teresa done it yet?" He asked innocently. Thomas spluttered slightly, making his choke on his drink. Teresa had to hit him on the back until his coughs subsided.

"Uh, no. But I know you've done it with Amy from your yelling fit that consisted of you telling me you weren't a virgin." Thomas retorted, Newt "Ooooooooo"ing at his comeback. "Yeah, well I guess we'll find out how innocent you are when we play Truth or Dare tonight." Minho said, sitting back as if to say "Case closed."

True to their word, Minho gathered most of their friends after dinner and started a campfire. Newt even had a guitar. "Where the hell did you get that?" Frypan asked, roasting some marshmallows to make into s'mores. "Oh, I found it in my house. I think I used to play before we went into the maze because I can kinda remember a few songs." Newt said happily.

"Well what are you waiting for, play something shank!" Emily said fondly. Newt did as she asked, playing a familiar tune. "Oh! I think I know this one!" Minho said excitedly. As so, he started screeching the lyrics:

"BECAUSE YOU KNOW I'M ALL ABOUT THAT BASS, 'BOUT THAT BASS, NO TREBLE!!" He screamed, his voice off-key entirely. Newt laughed at him, joining in, except he was an extremely good singer. Soon everyone had joined in the song, even Frypan, who almost burned his hand.

After the song, they were all in an upbeat and happy mood. "So, Shanks, it's time for truth or dare!" Newt said mischievously. "Wow Newt, don't do that. You reminded me of Minho too much there." Gally chuckled. Newt grinned.

"I'll go first. Minho, truth or dare?" Thomas asked happily. "Dare." Minho said defiantly. "Okay then, I dare you to kiss Newt for one minute straight." He told them, folding his arms and smirking. Newt and Minho blushed, both not looking at eachother.

"Come on, do it! Now!" Amy yelled, entertained by the whole situation. Emily smiled, and starting chatting for them to do it, the others backing her up. Minho looked grumpy, but grabbed Newts face and kissed him anyway. They all cheered, and Thomas wolf-whistled.

They seemed to be getting into it, before Frypan yelled "Time up!" And they broke apart, out of breath, both red as apples. "Awe, I ship it!" Gally said, putting his hands in a loveheart shape. The boys glared at him, before sitting back next to their girlfriends.

"Okay then, Thomas, truth or dare?" Minho asked, revenge in his eyes. "Dare." Thomas said, uncertainly. "Okay then Thomas, I dare you to swap underwear with Gally." He said, an evil smile creeping onto to his lips. Thomas and Gally looked uncomfortable. They walked off, leaving the others laughing.

They came back a few minutes later, blushes on their cheeks. "Their too tight." Thomas whined. "How can you shucking wear these?" Gally just looked at him. "What, do you think I'm comfy in yours? They're so loose."he retorted.

A bunch of other truths and dares came after that, including Minho having a sass showdown with Amy (which he obviously won at), Frypan admitting to everyone that he broke up with Crystal, Emily and Newt doing an awesome duet, and Gally being officially renamed "Captain Eyebrows" for the next few days.

They ate their s'mores and went to bed, Thomas leading a sleepy Teresa to their room. "Hey Tom, I'm tired, can you help me get changed?" Teresa asked, tiredness lacing her voice. "U-Um, sure Ter." He said, blushing. He got changed himself before coming back into the room.

He helped her tired figure change her top and jeans into a onsie. Thomas just kept his eyes locked on her, admiring her. "You're so beautiful." Thomas whispered, kissing Teresa lightly. She smiled and crawled into bed, Thomas right behind her. He put his arm around her and fell asleep to the sounds of her soft breathing.


I decided to give you a treat and update earlier than usual! Hoped you enjoyed this little chapter! Comment what you thought, private message me suggestions for the next one!
See you soon!
- LivingLovelyLies

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