xxi. Cotton Candy

Start from the beginning

"Let's go"

She nodded and got out of the car. She went to the back but Dahyun had already took her trolley inside. I guess there's no running away now. Mina thought to herself as she walked towards the house with Momo trailing behind her.

She took a deep breathe before opening the door.

"Surprise!" Momo whispered into her ear when the door swung open.

"I'm finally enga-" Mina slowly read the lettering on the banner that had been hung up in the foyer's walls. "Momo, oh my fucking god" Mina turned around and hugged her bestfriend as tight as she could.

Momo had a cheeky grin on her face as she hugged Mina back.

"For how long?" Mina asked as she pulled away.

"It's been a week, I waited for you to come home so we could celebrate it all together" Momo grinned.

Mina congratulated her and they talked more about the wedding as they got inside the house. Hours passed and Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon had finally arrived so their celebration finally started.

Mina was happy for her two closest friends but she couldn't help but feel a bit empty at the thought of the person she had anticipated the most not being with them at the moment. She shook away the thought and tried to focus on Momo and Jeongyeon's engagement party for the meantime.

The five of them had gone on a week long celebration, going to amusement parks, museums, restaurant-hopping, and a whole lot more enjoyable events Momo had planned since Mina was home. The five of them tried their best to make the week as fun as they could before Mina had to go back home. On the night before Mina had to leave, Momo had asked her bestfriend if she wanted to see Sana before she went back but Mina had just told her goodnight and left the house to go to the hotel she had been staying in.

Momo sighed. She knew how stubborn her bestfriend was so she had let her be.

The next day came and the girls accompanied Mina to the airport to bid their goodbyes until they'd have to see each other in half a year.

Four months passed and it was even more hectic than ever for Mina. She was now helping Momo plan as much as she could for the wedding. Dahyun and Chaeyoung also helped Jeongyeon with her side of planning for the wedding. It was stressful but it was definitely worth it. The time of her two closest friends tying the knot had finally came and she wasn't going to miss any of it so she videocalled with Momo everyday to keep in touch with the girl and her side of the plan.

The week of the long awaited day had come and the girls were even stressed than ever. Mina had flown back to South Korea a week before the wedding  would happen to help make sure the wedding would go according to plan.

The next few days had gone by like a breeze and it was finally the wedding day.

To say that Jeongyeon and Momo were nervous was an understatement. Jeongyeon had been sitting down in her dressing room muttering to herself "this is fine" over and over while Chaeyoung and Dahyun frantically tried to find the wedding rings that Boo had hid in the room. Momo, on the other hand, had been panicking in her dressing room. Mina tried her best to keep her calm but Momo would still somehow find a way to be stressed.

As much as Mina was frustrated, she wanted to laugh at what was happening. Momo panicked about the most ridiculous things that it made her want to burst into fits of laughter at how absurd it was.

An hour passed and the five of them had to gather outside now that the priest had arrived.

As much as they panicked before the wedding had started, when the actual wedding started things surprisingly actually went along smoothly. Now here they were at the reception.

The Con-Heartist (2na) (Mina x Sana)Where stories live. Discover now