🐕‍ Chapter Thirty Three 🐕‍

Comenzar desde el principio

See what I mean by her being the wisest person I knew. I didn't even have to start talking for her to already solve half of my problem. My clothes would probably get dirty but I didn't care. I propped myself next to my mom, leaning back on the dusty wall. I'd already discarded of my jacket and bowtie long ago leaving me in just my white dress shirt and black slacks.

"Lulu paid for a two week trip to Zanzibar for Mark and Ruth."I began.

"Wow that's wonderful, bless her soul. Why would that cause an issue?"My mom inquired.

"The issue is that she said it was from the both of us yet I didn't contribute a single cent to that trip."I heaved.

"And that made you feel insecure since it proves that she has more money that you."My mom concluded and I hummed in confirmation.

She didn't say anything after that and after a few too many seconds of sitting in silence I turned to look at my mom who was looking at me with a sorry look on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"I inquired.

"Because I thought I raised smart son but now I'm starting to think that I may have failed as a mother."She replied looking away from me as she shook her head.

"How have you failed mom? All I want is advice on how to approach this and deal with how insecure I'm feeling."I requested.

"I have a question for you Lankenua. If roles were reversed and you were the one more financially able than Lulu would you expect her to be okay with it or just be as insecure as you are?"My mom asked and I frowned in confusion.

"It's not the same."I grunted.

"Why? Because you're a man and she's a woman?"My mom asked getting defensive.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."I argued.

"No I do not know. What I do know is that I raised you to be better than this. I raised you to believe in equality between man and woman. Your father and I worked so hard to make sure that the same doctrines we suffered through teaching us that women were inferior to men did not rub off on you but it seems that we failed. James did I fail as a mother?"She asked me her voice getting soft and I wondered how the conversation had turned from my problems to her failure as a mother.

"No mama, you did not fail."I consoled patting her back but she slapped it away scowling at me.

"Lulu is perfect for you. I noticed that the moment I met her and you are sitting here telling me that you are going to ruin it just because her kind heart bought your friends a dream honeymoon and you're ego couldn't take it when she included you in it. James never once have I ever been disappointed in you since I bore you but if you let this girl go because she's more financially able than you then you will be my greatest disappointment."She said looking forlorn.

Her words but me deep and it got me to start thinking all over again.

"I'm actually glad she's richer than you, otherwise you would never have me and our wonderful village would not be going through the transformations it is at the moment."My mom added and that's when it hit me how foolish I was being.

My mom was right, Lulu and I would never have crossed paths had she not been richer than me. I should be thanking the heavens for sister being so rich and Lulu being rich too by extension. I had to embrace the fact that she would always be wealthier than me and the sooner I did the better for us.

"James..."My mom called out to dish out more advice but I was already getting up and dusting myself.

"Thank you mama. I knew you would fix it."I thanked her as I took her arms helping her up.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora