42. Understanding

Start from the beginning

Holding her hand, we made our way to the back door. The sun had begun to rise an hour ago. It covered the forest surrounding the house in bright light awakening the critters of the forest. The rain, mud, and grass were in the air and I could taste them on my tongue. I allowed Bella to look around and take in the new scene before her. When she had awoke yesterday it had been afternoon which was different than the morning sun. I was sure she was staring at the rainbows in the sunlight wondering where they would end. Everything captured her attention which was the only reminder of her being a newborn. Any other newborn could not handle being this close to me wanting to run and slaughter the nearest city.

I smiled at her look of wonder as we walked. We found our way toward the stream where our lives had really begun to change. The Halloween party changed the dynamics between us and I would change anything about that night. Suddenly Bella giggled and I looked at her wondering if perhaps she was remembering something. I raised an eyebrow at her which caused her to grin wider. "I barely remember it but there's an image, blurry I admit of an angel and vampire kissing here. That was us, right?" she said explaining. I gave her a tender smile squeezing her hand lightly, "Yes, that was us. We first said I love you that night." She smiled beautifully at me walking closer to me. We walked for a few paces in silence before I took an unneeded breath.

"Last night we weren't able to explain everything, Bella..." I trailed off allowing her to turn to me. She stopped turning to me with a raised eyebrow. Even I knew she was attempting to hide what she was feeling. "Considering you are technically dead, there are a few things I need to tell you," I tried to reason. Her eyes fell and she nodded, "I didn't think about that..." she murmured trailing off. I nodded pulling her with me hoping that if we kept walking she would be able to concentrate on walking. I knew she was thinking about Charlie and what we had to do.

"Do you remember the Denali Coven in Alaska?" I asked her hoping to start there instead of here first. She twisted her head trying to pull a memory from during her pregnancy. "The Coven that shares your diet? They're your, our cousins, right? There was something that bothered us during my pregnancy about them. I can't remember," she said an exasperated expression on her face. I nodded trying to distance myself from that memory, "You're right. The problem with them was that they recently had a human drinker join their coven. He still isn't having a good time but Carlisle recently talked with them. He and Irina have left for a little while but they expect them back at any moment." Bella shivered at the mention of human drinker but she didn't say anything further. I knew she was thinking about the scent she had come across during her hunt yesterday.

"What about them though?" Bella asked. I knew she was trying hard not to think about the scent of human blood. Being so young just the thought would make her thirst. This was the moment that was going to be hard for Bella. I hadn't liked the idea first but it was our only option. Bella didn't know everything about being a vampire, the rules, and the secrets we all had.

"Bella, you and the kids can't stay around here. It's not possible right now. Charlie is still grieving right now but slowly he's going to start the preparation for your funeral. Once that happens, we'll probably get more eyes on us. You know that was bound to happen once this took place," I explained or at least tried to. Bella's eyes glossed over and I knew she was thinking about Charlie. I slowed us down to a more slower gentle walk hoping to ease her concentration. "The kids can't be here either," she stated as if she understood that part. I shook my head, "No, they can't. Carlisle talked with Eleazar on the phone once we realized what was going to happen. You had only be undergoing the change for about five hours at the time. I had to leave the house to act like the grieving fiance that I am. It was horrible but I managed, to keep up appearances. It took some convincing from Carlisle and Esme to make Eleazar understand. Tanya and Kate were not so understanding either and were nearly the cause of it not happening. Rosalie got on the phone with Kate for a good twenty minutes to an hour or so to explain everything to Tanya."

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